6mm /.243 hunting success on Big Game

Anymore with this one? I got a box of 500 sitting here waiting for my PVA order which will be a little bit still.
Killed a doe at 480y, was a calm morning, and poi was about 6" right of where it should have been from a stable shooting position. Animal quartered too, bullet entered ahead the diaphragm, bout mid way through chest cavity, it crossed over diaphragm into gut cavity. Doe was stumbling on her feet for 20 steps or so then went down. I finished her with a knife.
The woman's buck kill was also right of her poa. I believe the zero shifted during the 600 mile transport in the bed my F350(not a smooth ride!). It was zeroed prior to leaving for the trip. After witnessing two impacts not at desired poa with stable shooters in low to moderate wind situations, I put the rifle up until I can re-check zero. Remainder of my tag were filled with the 22creed sending 88s.
87gr Vmax 6mm-223 at about 75 yards. Head shot so probably doesn’t count.
Nice boat! Where is this? Alaska? Absolutely beautiful.
Hell of a shot on a first deer! Congrats to the hunter!
Thanks! I'll pass that along! He is a pretty decent shot. I should probably have been more clear though, it was his first whitetail, but not his first deer... he has been hunting since he was 10, and is now 15, and has taken a little mule deer every year, a couple elk, and his first black bear this spring. It never gets old though!
6mm creedmoor shooting factory 103 ELDX out of a 22” bartlein at 2950 fps. Impact velocity of ~2740.

Buck was almost perfectly broadside, slightly quartered to. Shot was right behind the shoulder. Entrance had more damage than exit. Entrance hole roughly 3” and exit about 1”. Buck ran about 30 yards. Wasn’t much blood on the ground other than a few drops. Cleaned him and the chest cavity was nothing but jellied blood and the lungs were essentially non-existent. Shortly after I shot the buck, a big boar made an appearance. Shot him mid body, through the lungs. 180 yards. Impact velocity of ~2650. No exit and no blood trail. He made it about 40 yards. Pleased with the performance. Will be shooting 107 SMK’s next weekend. Will post if I’m able to take anything.

1st pic is entrance, 2nd is exit, 3rd is the inside of the onside shoulder, 4th is the buck, 5th is the hog.
Love that LH antler
Thanks! I'll pass that along! He is a pretty decent shot. I should probably have been more clear though, it was his first whitetail, but not his first deer... he has been hunting since he was 10, and is now 15, and has taken a little mule deer every year, a couple elk, and his first black bear this spring. It never gets old though!
Oh got ya, still awesome!
So...... being as this is a 6mm thread. I was looking at getting a 6.5 PRC to replace my 6.5 creed...... now I am really considering get a 6mm creed instead. 90% of my rifle hunting is for mule deer, pronghorn and cow elk. Seems like 6mm would be just fine for that purpose.
I don’t think you will be disappointed in the performance or shoot-ability.
I will never shoot another rifle without ear pro again even if it means losing a chance at a buck. Tinnnitus in both ears that almost makes it hard to sleep. the struggle is real. Being young and tough caught up with me.:ROFLMAO:
Same! I still remember the exact shot that “broke the camel’s back” so to say. I shot a buck with a braked .300 with no ear pro. Even had it around my neck but “didn’t have time to put it in.” Constant severe tinnitus in my left ear going on 4 years now. I refuse to hunt without a suppressed rifle at this point.
Anyone using the standard Sierra 100gr GameKings? I’m sure it’s in this thread somewhere.

I used them for close to 10 years in my first .243 deer rifle as a kid, the Federal Premium factory loaded 100gr SGK. I was an excellent bullet, I never had an issue killing with them.
I’ve got a 6 PRC barrel in the works. I’m between the 109 ELD-M and the 112 Match Burner. @khuber84, did you get to test the 112s this season?
I’ve got a 6 PRC barrel in the works. I’m between the 109 ELD-M and the 112 Match Burner. @khuber84, did you get to test the 112s this season?
Yup killed 3 deer with them. Didn't get the major upsetting I was expecting. All behind shoulder placement through vitals. Exits every animal. Largest exit 2.5", smallest 1". Not a ton of trauma to near side lung, more on off side. One whitetail exit had part of lung pulled put by bullet exit. All died quickly. I think I'll go to a 109 eldm primarily, but would like to test the 115 rdf next year on a few critters. Keep hearing these hints to BUY DTACS NOW. Like Tubbs gonna quit the bullet game, maybe @Ryan Avery can shed light on that.
I will never shoot another rifle without ear pro again even if it means losing a chance at a buck. Tinnnitus in both ears that almost makes it hard to sleep. the struggle is real. Being young and tough caught up with me.:ROFLMAO:
Thompson Encore with a 308, 15" barrel shooting a herd of hogs in a hay field did my ears in... Costco hearing aids help hear... when putting the kids to bed or sleeping, the ringing is never louder!

Cans on any rifle i shoot these days and will not grab a rifle without a can!

My kids only shoot suppressed rifles too to help with hearing.