6mm /.243 hunting success on Big Game

Okay thanks! I just sent PBB a message to see if they can change my order to a 7.5 twist.
264lb sow shot at about 95 yards with a 18” 6cm. Factory hornady 105gr bthp. She was quartered away and I hit her slightly back. No drama, dropped in her tracks and kicked a few seconds


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I’ve been a big bullet dude since I was old enough to handle 30-06 recoil but this forum/podcast has me rethinking things. So I built a 6 ARC for my 10 year old to hunt with this year. He shot a mule deer at 155 yards off a tripod with game changer bag. 108 ELDM impacting at 2300 FPS. First shot was BAD with “buck fever” shattering the rear leg and fragmenting into the guts. The buck stood there and my son calmed down so I asked him to put the second shot high in the neck. Perfect second shot dropped the deer dead right there. Exit hold about the size of a quarter.

I struggle getting both my young sons to shoot better. They practice regularly on property using field positions and shot timers and I make them bet candy on each shot to add extra stress. They kill does/cow elk just fine but half of the bucks they shoot are a rodeo.

Considering letting my son use the 6 ARC for a cow elk next year. He did fine this year with a 308 shooting SSTs, double lunged a cow at 255 yards but I’m tired of lugging that heavy 308 around. Their max engagement range is 300 yards which has the 108 ELDM impacting at 2080. Thoughts?


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I’ve been a big bullet dude since I was old enough to handle 30-06 recoil but this forum/podcast has me rethinking things. So I built a 6 ARC for my 10 year old to hunt with this year. He shot a mule deer at 155 yards off a tripod with game changer bag. 108 ELDM impacting at 2300 FPS. First shot was BAD with “buck fever” shattering the rear leg and fragmenting into the guts. The buck stood there and my son calmed down so I asked him to put the second shot high in the neck. Perfect second shot dropped the deer dead right there. Exit hold about the size of a quarter.

I struggle getting both my young sons to shoot better. They practice regularly on property using field positions and shot timers and I make them bet candy on each shot to add extra stress. They kill does/cow elk just fine but half of the bucks they shoot are a rodeo.

Considering letting my son use the 6 ARC for a cow elk next year. He did fine this year with a 308 shooting SSTs, double lunged a cow at 255 yards but I’m tired of lugging that heavy 308 around. Their max engagement range is 300 yards which has the 108 ELDM impacting at 2080. Thoughts?
Better a 6mm in the boiler room than a .30 in the guts but as a former young rodeo pro antlers can cause the same effect on a brain as a pretty girl that smells nice
Thank you sir.

I'd also like to thank Form for spreading the info and doing such a great job of educating the community.

Based on all the overwhelming evidence in some of these threads, and now my first hand experience, it's clear that bullets matter way more than headstamps. Hell, there's even an argument that some of these nasty little bullets cause too much destruction of tissue. Personally, I'd rather risk potentially losing a bit of meat rather than the whole animal by not doing enough.
243 win 108 Berger elite hunter 40 yards whitetail doe facing me bullet entered chest left baseball size hole about 8 in deep no sign of bullet just fragments.
243 win 108 Berger elite hunter 40 yards whitetail doe facing me bullet entered chest left baseball size hole about 8 in deep no sign of bullet just fragments.
Was 8” all the penetration that you got or was the main “hole” just 8” deep. I realize at 40 yards you would be stressing that bullet pretty hard but I would hope to get more than 8” of penetration
Was 8” all the penetration that you got or was the main “hole” just 8” deep. I realize at 40 yards you would be stressing that bullet pretty hard but I would hope to get more than 8” of penetration
8in is all I got never even popped the diaphragm.
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Considering letting my son use the 6 ARC for a cow elk next year. He did fine this year with a 308 shooting SSTs, double lunged a cow at 255 yards but I’m tired of lugging that heavy 308 around. Their max engagement range is 300 yards which has the 108 ELDM impacting at 2080. Thoughts?
Do it and keep the 300 yard max. You might be surprised.
Not a 6 creed, but on my .223 bolt gun I have a brake since I don't have a can yet. I have never put ear plugs in when hunting because I hunt thick woods and stuff happens fast. I shot a deer last Monday with the .223 and it rocked my left ear. 2 days I couldn't hear well from it and I still have a slight ringing. Never again.
2 years in a row. Hearing took a major hit. Brake thrown in trash.
so I was wondering if it would be possible for someone like Form to give us a quick version on the best bullet options for 6mm like he did in the .223 thread. The 108 eldm sounds like a solid performer and the match burners seem to be holding their own. Is there much difference in the 103x and the 108m’s. The 105 hpbt seems pretty good also. I was surprised I haven’t seen more people using the Berger’s.
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so I was wondering if it would be possible for someone like Form to give us a quick version on the best bullet options for 6mm like he did in the .223 thread. The 108 eldm sounds like a solid performer and the match burners seem to be holding their own. Is there much difference in the 103x and the 108m’s. The 105 hpbt seems pretty good also. I was surprised I haven’t seen more people using the Berger’s.
Quick synopsis...

10 twist barrel 6mm 95 Nosler Ballistic Tip and 95 TMK

8 twist low/medium horse power 6mm 95 NBT, 95 TMK, 103 ELDX, 105 Berger Hybrid, and 108 ELDM all kept above 1800 fps above 2000 for Berger.

High horsepower fast twist 6mm 103 ELDX, 105 Berger Hybrid, 108 and 109 ELDM, 110 A-TIP, 112 Barnes Matchburner, and 115 Nose Ringed DTAC. 1800 on the ELD and A-TIP, 2000 on Berger and Barnes, and lower on the DTAC as it will tumble on impact.

@Formidilosus can fill in the blanks as needed but this the "general synopsis" for 6mm bullet that will act like the heavy for caliber 223 bullets.

so I was wondering if it would be possible for someone like Form to give us a quick version on the best bullet options for 6mm like he did in the .223 thread. The 108 eldm sounds like a solid performer and the match burners seem to be holding their own. Is there much difference in the 103x and the 108m’s. The 105 hpbt seems pretty good also. I was surprised I haven’t seen more people using the Berger’s.
The 108 elite hunters are great killing bullets

Also scroll back a few-ish pages and form just listed what you asked about as well
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10 twist barrel 6mm 95 Nosler Ballistic Tip and 95 TMK
Shot another doe with the 95gr nosler CT (NBT) yesterday evening. This is out of a 10t Sako Finnlight. Shot was right around 100yds. Shot from unsupported prone(armyman?). MV 2750.
Not my intended shot placement. Very high shoulder that impacted the spine. She went down immediately in a pile. When I got to her backend was shut down but front was still in gear. Could not find entrance or exit in the woods. Mainly looked for entrance before skinning. Post skinning pics below.
Planning to double check zero this afternoon to see if this was user error or something loose on the rifle.
External exit wound
Internal entrance wound
so I was wondering if it would be possible for someone like Form to give us a quick version on the best bullet options for 6mm like he did in the .223 thread. The 108 eldm sounds like a solid performer and the match burners seem to be holding their own. Is there much difference in the 103x and the 108m’s. The 105 hpbt seems pretty good also. I was surprised I haven’t seen more people using the Berger’s.
Post #406