6mm creedmoor shooting factory 103 ELDX out of a 22” bartlein at 2950 fps. Impact velocity of ~2740.
Buck was almost perfectly broadside, slightly quartered to. Shot was right behind the shoulder. Entrance had more damage than exit. Entrance hole roughly 3” and exit about 1”. Buck ran about 30 yards. Wasn’t much blood on the ground other than a few drops. Cleaned him and the chest cavity was nothing but jellied blood and the lungs were essentially non-existent. Shortly after I shot the buck, a big boar made an appearance. Shot him mid body, through the lungs. 180 yards. Impact velocity of ~2650. No exit and no blood trail. He made it about 40 yards. Pleased with the performance. Will be shooting 107 SMK’s next weekend. Will post if I’m able to take anything.
1st pic is entrance, 2nd is exit, 3rd is the inside of the onside shoulder, 4th is the buck, 5th is the hog.