6mm /.243 hunting success on Big Game









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Giraffe is awesome.
Looking for an informed opinion. Tikka T3X Compact in .243 with a 1 1/8 twist. What factory loaded bullet that I can get in Canada would be best for deer, elk or moose with all shots being less than 350 yards? Would love to hand load like many here, but I'll have to save that for when I retire and have more free time.
Looking for an informed opinion. Tikka T3X Compact in .243 with a 1 1/8 twist. What factory loaded bullet that I can get in Canada would be best for deer, elk or moose with all shots being less than 350 yards? Would love to hand load like many here, but I'll have to save that for when I retire and have more free time.
I’ve asked similar questions before and the answers seem to fall into the following catergories:

1: the 95 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip. This bullet has a cult-like following and I believe Form called it one of the best for standard .243 barrels. I’ve put one through both shoulders of a whitetail with great results so I‘d be willing to to use it again.

2: Nosler Partition- a more “traditional” choice but still a very good one if you don’t care about long range shots, it combines good wound channels with deep penetration. I’ve killed a good amount of deer and pigs with it and have never recovered a bullet or had an animal make it out of sight

3: any heavy, tipped match bullet. The problem is that you won’t find much factory ammo above 100 grains for .243 because so many of them are 1:10 twist. So while you can get something like the 90 grain ELD-X you aren’t going to be able to take advantage of that 1:8” barrel without handloading
Looking for an informed opinion. Tikka T3X Compact in .243 with a 1 1/8 twist. What factory loaded bullet that I can get in Canada would be best for deer, elk or moose with all shots being less than 350 yards? Would love to hand load like many here, but I'll have to save that for when I retire and have more free time.

Winchester or nosler 95 grain ballistic tip
Hornady 90 eld x
Hornady 95sst

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Looking for an informed opinion. Tikka T3X Compact in .243 with a 1 1/8 twist. What factory loaded bullet that I can get in Canada would be best for deer, elk or moose with all shots being less than 350 yards? Would love to hand load like many here, but I'll have to save that for when I retire and have more free time.
Thanks for the summary and thread link. Seems like the Winchester 95 grain ballistic tip is well liked and I can get those for a good price locally too.
It was $1.20 a shot with a $0.60 bullet. Had to jump on it. Same bullet as my beloved 215 that has killed many elk for me out of a 300WM. Hopefully my RAP 6CM likes them! Would make it tough to choose between my ARC and 6CM. Not a bad choice to have to make...

Update on the Federal ammo with the Berger 105 HT bullet. Shot from my RAP with a 22" barrel and my new Omega 300 DTM on the end of it in a new to me Bravo Chassis. Got a quick 5 shot string shot to check velocity and see if they were on paper due to the changes (new stock, new load, new suppressor) and was pleasantly surprised with a nice group and a 5 shot velocity of 2893 fps with an ES of 27 and SD of 9.8 with one load being 25 fps faster than the average of the other 4 shots. That data shows 1800 fps to 710 yards and is a 5 mph gun to that distance. Should be fun to play with and see about how that bullet does on game.

I'm going to try my suppressor on my 7mm PRC next. If the combination of the suppressor and the built in muzzle break tames the recoil a bit to allow for better follow through and keeping the target in the scope after the shot, it will stay there for a while. If not, we will move the Maven RS1.2 and the suppressor to a 6.5 PRC and see how that goes.
