6mm /.243 hunting success on Big Game

I didnt, don't those cartridges predate the Internet lol seriously though, where's a good place to find that kind of information. Also just because people shove extra powder in there and run it on the edge of popping a primer, I really don't want to do that, however I would like to know if there's a lot more fudge Factor left over.
I didnt, don't those cartridges predate the Internet lol seriously though, where's a good place to find that kind of information. Also just because people shove extra powder in there and run it on the edge of popping a primer, I really don't want to do that, however I would like to know if there's a lot more fudge Factor left over.
Yeah but like most things they come back around. The guys I’m talking about are running longer reamer specs not SAMMI and aren’t overloading cartridges. I’ll see if I can find a couple examples.
another thing for me i need to consider is im planning on using a prefit from northland, so it needs to be something they chamber for. their shillen line does have quite a selection.
3. 6mm creedmoor - i read somewhere you can still use .243w brass and just fireform. 6.5 brass will need neck trimming i believe i read. cheap FL die from lee available. slightly less powder space, but maybe 50fps difference under the winchester?

Other way around, 243 Win is 1.5598" to the shoulder, 6 Creed is 1.4901". Fast twisted 243 will outrun a 6 Creed.
exactly, the 243w has more capacity. in a short action with heavies - 105-115gr, maybe the .243w loses some advantage, BUT, in my case, i can load it as long as it will hold the bullet. i hate case trimming, so thats partly why im researching. AI fixes that but can have feeding issues, the needmore 30* angle is a happy medium it seems. feeds fine and doesnt need trimming. the 6SLR and 6mm super x appear to take the .243 case and just change the angle to the needmore so its best of both worlds... but they arent as common.
exactly, the 243w has more capacity. in a short action with heavies - 105-115gr, maybe the .243w loses some advantage, BUT, in my case, i can load it as long as it will hold the bullet. i hate case trimming, so thats partly why im researching. AI fixes that but can have feeding issues, the needmore 30* angle is a happy medium it seems. feeds fine and doesnt need trimming. the 6SLR and 6mm super x appear to take the .243 case and just change the angle to the needmore so its best of both worlds... but they arent as common.
FWIW I Ackleyd my Tikka 243 and have had zero issues feeding from an M+ factory mag. My gun is throated to run the 108 eld-m at 2.9 COAL. I think my load is 50.5 grns of H1000 running 3100ish.
FWIW I Ackleyd my Tikka 243 and have had zero issues feeding from an M+ factory mag. My gun is throated to run the 108 eld-m at 2.9 COAL. I think my load is 50.5 grns of H100 running 3100ish.

Same, .243AI in M+ mags runs great.
FWIW I Ackleyd my Tikka 243 and have had zero issues feeding from an M+ factory mag. My gun is throated to run the 108 eld-m at 2.9 COAL. I think my load is 50.5 grns of H1000 running 3100ish.
I'm getting very close to 2900fps out of an 18" 6 Creed with 108 ELDMs and 40.2gr of H4350. Not sure on your barrel length but that seems to be a big discrepancy in powder but I'm sure you couldn't use that much 4350 without pressure.
FWIW I Ackleyd my Tikka 243 and have had zero issues feeding from an M+ factory mag. My gun is throated to run the 108 eld-m at 2.9 COAL. I think my load is 50.5 grns of H1000 running 3100ish.
Barrel length?
I'm getting very close to 2900fps out of an 18" 6 Creed with 108 ELDMs and 40.2gr of H4350. Not sure on your barrel length but that seems to be a big discrepancy in powder but I'm sure you couldn't use that much 4350 without pressure.
The 243 AI has significantly more case capacity thus requiring a slower powder, barrel is 22". H4350 would be too fast if trying achieve the case fill I am. So yes, different cases with different powders often create discrepancies in volume.
The 243 AI has significantly more case capacity thus requiring a slower powder, barrel is 22". H4350 would be too fast if trying achieve the case fill I am. So yes, different cases with different powders often create discrepancies in volume.
My point was that you can likely get similar performance with a similar barrel length and quite a bit less powder.
I read through, and searched through some of this thread, but this may have been discussed already. If you had to pick 1 bullet in a 6 CM for Elk this season, shots 100-400 yards, what bullet?

I already have a lights out load with 109 LRHT

Would I gain anything switching to:
108 ELDM
103 ELDX
115 DTAC
I read through, and searched through some of this thread, but this may have been discussed already. If you had to pick 1 bullet in a 6 CM for Elk this season, shots 100-400 yards, what bullet?

I already have a lights out load with 109 LRHT

Would I gain anything switching to:
108 ELDM
103 ELDX
115 DTAC
108eldm gets my vote
I read through, and searched through some of this thread, but this may have been discussed already. If you had to pick 1 bullet in a 6 CM for Elk this season, shots 100-400 yards, what bullet?

I already have a lights out load with 109 LRHT

Would I gain anything switching to:
108 ELDM
103 ELDX
115 DTAC
Seems from my reading that it’s pretty unanimous for the 108 ELDM.
I read through, and searched through some of this thread, but this may have been discussed already. If you had to pick 1 bullet in a 6 CM for Elk this season, shots 100-400 yards, what bullet?

I already have a lights out load with 109 LRHT

Would I gain anything switching to:
108 ELDM
103 ELDX
115 DTAC
I'd keep the 109 but that's me.
I read through, and searched through some of this thread, but this may have been discussed already. If you had to pick 1 bullet in a 6 CM for Elk this season, shots 100-400 yards, what bullet?

I already have a lights out load with 109 LRHT

Would I gain anything switching to:
108 ELDM
103 ELDX
115 DTAC
I'd honestly switch to the 109eldm if you can get some. Gets a good bc boost but same eldm terminal performance. The Berger 109 is a great shooting bullet, I've shot 3-4k of em, but have yet to put one on a critter. Pointed bullets are usually known to have inconsistent expansion unless ran at very high velocity, or you open the nose up with a wire drill bit.