I know this thread is pretty old, but.....
I've shot the swede for a long time. My new creedmoor will be getting hand loads with 155, 156, and 160 grain cup and core round nose and semi spritzers. All around 2500 fps. I'll use the most accurate load I get for hunting. I don't get shots past 200yds where I hunt. I usually take high shoulder shots. Same bullets at the same speed have been OUTSTANDING in the swedes I've killed deer with. Big mushrooms, and have never recovered one, all pass through. Most deer drop on the spot, furthest one ran was a 200+ lb. Buck that went @50 yds, and that was because I double lunged him. This is what made the relatively small swede an effective big game killer - high sectional density. As has been stated in previous posts, there's more than one way to skin a cat, but for the life of me I can't figure why anyone would want fragments of copper and lead strewn about a good quarter to a third of an animal you intend to eat! THAT IS what match bullets tend to do on game, and more power to ya if that's your thing, but the way I do it lets me save a lot of meat. Btw, those sst's CAN be like varmint bullets, obviously speed impacts this, but I suspect caliber can change the outcome as well. I sent one out of a swede at 2700fps, not to fast, and lost the entire office side shoulder, ribs, and part of the back strap. Jelly. I'll stick with my old fashioned heavies!