.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

Jun 27, 2022
So this thread has got my wheels turning the last couple of days. The rifle I've been hunting with the last 6-7 years is a Rem 700 in 300WM. I put a Timney trigger in it, Seekins muzzle brake and a bedded McMillan game scout. My thought is a Remington 700 SA set up identical with exception of a brake. The only concern I would have is factory barrel twist. They look to be 1:12. To shoot those 77's or similar I'm guessing I'll need to be 1:9?

The new 700’s are 1:8 for 223.


Jun 26, 2022
Anybody know what serial numbers or markings to check for 1:8 rem 700s? Most on gunbroker don’t have the twist in the listing…


Nov 22, 2020
I would bet there's going to be no problem getting into brain cavity. I haven't shot a bear but I grew up on a pig farm and have witnessed ALLOT of pigs killed (well into the thousands). They were all done with a .22 or.22 mag at point blank. Seen a small number of cows killed the same way

I've been in on the 22 rf killing of many domestic pigs, goats, and cattle. The X intersection of eye to opposite ear, shot from a 90 deg angle, results in the falling in place.

mt terry d

Jul 18, 2023
I 've been in on the 22 rf killing of many domestic pigs, goats, and cattle. The X intersection of eye to opposite ear, shot from a 90 deg angle, results in the falling in place.
Horses also. I'm 5 for 5 but prefer my 357 mag.

Re: skull penetration

I spoke with a guy who had a 7mm rem mag ricochet off a bull moose's skull. Head on, close, something like 70 yards. He put it down when it started walking away.


Aug 31, 2018
Horses also. I'm 5 for 5 but prefer my 357 mag.

Re: skull penetration

I spoke with a guy who had a 7mm rem mag ricochet off a bull moose's skull. Head on, close, something like 70 yards. He put it down when it started walking away.
The ricochet with the 7 mag is hard to buy. I’ve heard lots of stories about bullet failure that are likely just bad shooting. I watched an idiot shoot a steer in the head with a 223 at 15 yards once and it ran off for two miles. But he shot the poor critter in the friggen nose. Skulls aren’t magical armor. If you have a centerfire bullet moving at centerfire speeds, it’s going to penetrate.

That said, I don’t personally know anyone who makes decisions about hunting rifles based on the chance of a point blank grizzly charge, and I don’t think it’s really material to this discussion.


Mar 14, 2020
W Texas
First kill with a 77 tmk tonight! Whitetail doe at 335 yards, impact velocity around 2200ish. Broadside, hit her on the crease. Small entrance of course, similar size exit. No pics of hide. (Sorry) traveled around 15 yards. View attachment 607371
View attachment 607372
View attachment 607375

Entrance side with shoulder removed
Exit side. My dad came into the shop this morning to help cut up meat and said "Wow, looks like you shot it with a 30-06" (thats what he uses)


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
That said, I don’t personally know anyone who makes decisions about hunting rifles based on the chance of a point blank grizzly charge, and I don’t think it’s really material to this discussion.
I did not say grizzly. I said costal brown. That aside, I and many people in Alaska, make decisions on hunting rifles based on bears.

If the discussion is only about confirming what you want, then sure. If the discussion is about providing information that might result in changing what some of use choose to use, it certainly is germane to the topic.

If you don't feel bear encounters should be considered in your case, you can safely ignore any conclusions.


Aug 31, 2018
I did not say grizzly. I said costal brown. That aside, I and many people in Alaska, make decisions on hunting rifles based on bears.

If the discussion is only about confirming what you want, then sure. If the discussion is about providing information that might result in changing what some of use choose to use, it certainly is germane to the topic.

If you don't feel bear encounters should be considered in your case, you can safely ignore any conclusions.
Thanks Marbles. I did not mean to belittle your concerns and I understand your point. It's just that these use enough gun discussions always seem to spiral into “what I would carry for bear attacks” from those who have little experience in big bear country. While you may have that experience, I’d still hate to see this thread devolve into that discussion.

I've worked in the field in lower 48 grizzly country, and I carried a 357 and kept a 12 ga in camp. I know multiple people who carry 9 mm handguns in grizz country. If I had to defend myself against one, I’d take an AR with the right bullets any day over any of that. If I needed to let the air out of a grizzly’s lungs from a distance, I’d be confident that I would be successful with a 223 with the right bullets. But coastal browns just aren’t in my experience wheelhouse.

The point I was trying to make is that bear skulls, even coastal browns, aren’t made of armor plate. Something that shatters the top of a moose humerus and makes it through to the vitals isn’t likely to bounce off a brown bear.


Apr 8, 2018
Thanks Marbles. I did not mean to belittle your concerns and I understand your point. It's just that these use enough gun discussions always seem to spiral into “what I would carry for bear attacks” from those who have little experience in big bear country. While you may have that experience, I’d still hate to see this thread devolve into that discussion.

I've worked in the field in lower 48 grizzly country, and I carried a 357 and kept a 12 ga in camp. I know multiple people who carry 9 mm handguns in grizz country. If I had to defend myself against one, I’d take an AR with the right bullets any day over any of that. If I needed to let the air out of a grizzly’s lungs from a distance, I’d be confident that I would be successful with a 223 with the right bullets. But coastal browns just aren’t in my experience wheelhouse.

The point I was trying to make is that bear skulls, even coastal browns, aren’t made of armor plate. Something that shatters the top of a moose humerus and makes it through to the vitals isn’t likely to bounce off a brown bear.
My apologies to all - as the tangent was even more remote in that I raised the issue that the bear skull topic was the only non-Fudd pushback to the 223 debate that I have seen (or can remember). Maybe we need a new thread - non-FUQs or something.


Oct 14, 2014
My apologies to all - as the tangent was even more remote in that I raised the issue that the bear skull topic was the only non-Fudd pushback to the 223 debate that I have seen (or can remember). Maybe we need a new thread - non-FUQs or something.
If it has to do with using the .223 to kill game animals then leave it on here.
Aug 10, 2019
Lowcountry, SC
I think THIS thread is about ready to take off.
Be lots of 223/TMK'S wandering around the woods in about a week........mine included.

Mine was in the stand on Monday night. For the first time in years, I didn't see a single deer! But we had three turkeys walk right under us. I think I heard one give us a raspberry as they sauntered by.

P.S. I just learned at 61 years of age that rasberry is actually spelled raspberry, with a "P". Who knew?!!! :)
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