.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

Well. I bought 1,000 rounds of black hills 77 TMK from @h2so4 last night. He shipped them out this morning. He also was slightly lower than the current lowest price online.

We’ll give them a go when my tikka .223 is out back together. Just waiting on the rokstock at this point.
I’m interested to hear how they shoot for you. I posted groups somewhere in this thread or maybe another… but the BH 77TMK sucked for me. Maybe it’s the lot? I’d blame myself but when I can easily fire 10 rounds into 1.5” dot with 77SMK FGMM, and UM 77TMK in the same session…
... My hunting mentor, God love him, is a fudd. 308 with barnes or 45/70 PERIOD. Anything "less" is stupid. He has started coming around to the 300 blackout barnes combo after the last couple years and after this year he was silent on way home about the 77TMK. Thats a win at this point haha....

My wife has had a lot of success with the 110 grain factory Barnes loads in her little single shot CVA takedown. With a can, it's super compact and not intimidating to her in the least. Glad to hear others are having good experiences with it as well.

I only have one whitetail down with the 223/TMK combo... but the results made me a believer. I will be primarily be using it next season when I can actually hunt again. This thread convinced me to try it, as it did so many others.
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Can anybody tell me the coal of the black hills 77tmk? Im checking to make sure they fit in aics mags. Assuming they will. Id measure myself but im out at sea. Never used a chassis but thinking about getting a mdt hnt26

Black hills 5.56 77 tmk fits and cycles perfect in my AICS mags. Shot two pigs a few weeks ago with it and had no issues. I can measure it tomorrow if it makes you feel better ordering it, but you’re good to go.

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Black hills 5.56 77 tmk fits and cycles perfect in my AICS mags. Shot two pigs a few weeks ago with it and had no issues. I can measure it tomorrow if it makes you feel better ordering it, but you’re good to go.

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No worries, ill take your word on it. Figured itd fit. Already have like 800+ rounds of the black hills tmk, but just ordered a chassis that takes aics mags.
FWIW I’ve been trying to get @Ryan Avery and @robby denning talked into funding an AK Coastal Brown Bear filmed .223 77TMK expedition for this thread and this site.

PLEASE help them be convinced to send me and @Formidilosus
and a cameraman to AK kill a coastal brown bear with the .223!
I'd love to see that happen.
Maybe the Administrators could open a crowd funding page where we could (all) contribute.
I would be in.
My wife has had a lot of success with the 110 grain factory Barnes loads in her little single shot CVA takedown. With a can, it's super compact and not intimidating to her in the least. Glad to hear others are having good experiences with it as well.

I only have one whitetail down with the 223/TMK combo... but the results made me a believer. I will be primarily be using it next season when I can actually hunt again. This thread convinced me to try it, as it did so many others.
Agree on both. I have had really good and repeatable results with the 300BO Barnes 110 combo in several different rifles on whitetails, armadillos, coyotes, ect. Always accurate too.....like unbelievable 1/2moa accurate in several barrels and never over 1.25moa in anything to date. Typically blood trails and exits also.........BUT I dare say they have ran less with 73 ELD and 77 TMK so far. Little to no blood typically but it has not been needed in the small sample size I have experienced.

Its really the same concept as the the thread topic. Low recoil, effective and enjoyable to practice with.

Those CVA scouts are pretty sweet too!
problem is with the CM in the name, we sent so much shade that way over the years....

That’s true, but even @Ryan Avery had to come around and shoot the 6.5cm. @Dioni A also finally got on the 22CM for his deer hunting. You should come to the shooting week in June, then you can see how the .22’s perform….. jus sayin 😗