.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

Zealot ( noun) a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals. LMFAO!
You really should read this whole thread, rather then just being defensive… I promise you will understand the pushback you’re getting and will realize that nobody is trying to be rude or trying to offend you, but you have made it very clear you haven’t read it.

You will see why opinions and feelings are discounted. It really is the best collaboration of information I have seen on the internet, and I’m not exaggerating

You will learn a lot if you are capable of looking at things objectively, because there is a lot of real world data in this thread instead of opinions based on feelings and fudd-lore

There is just a lot of great information on terminal performance in general, outside of the 223, but you have to read it, it’s worth it
Zealot ( noun) a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals. LMFAO!

Ah, I see your initial interaction with Form went well, but I don’t think he is a zealot. Zealots are about opinions and feelings. Form is about data and evaluation.

The internet is a difficult place to be thin-skinned. If you start out assuming people are insulting you and call them names in return, you probably won’t want to stick around here for long. That’s really the one thing I see people get memed to death and verbally rag-dolled here for. Form isn’t doing that and I’ve never seen him take part in that here. If you make a statement that is obviously not correct, most people will call you out on it and ask you to back it up. But it’s not personal unless you decide to make it that way.
today's posts are why this thread is headed for a million. lol. my dad and I almost got in a fight over this thread hahahahah

the S2H podcast is trying to get me to switch to this caliber. I'm holding on for dear life to my magnum, but they continue to hack away.

My dad looked at me like I had horns growing out of my head when I told him the 22 creed I’m putting together was gonna do all my hunting next year after finally reading this thread and not just skimming over it

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If I’m not mistaken, Black Hills has come the most recommended.

I’m cheap and lazy so I shoot the 73 ELDM
Well. I bought 1,000 rounds of black hills 77 TMK from @h2so4 last night. He shipped them out this morning. He also was slightly lower than the current lowest price online.

We’ll give them a go when my tikka .223 is out back together. Just waiting on the rokstock at this point.
Thank you for being the voice of reason. Surprising to me how defensive and critical people can be relative to an opinion. Well, I have learned that new readers are not very welcome.
I don’t know if you’re a younger man. But in my professional world and sporting endeavors I’ve noticed some younger generations feel strongly their opinion matters. I’m just not sure where that comes from.

Your opinion doesn’t matter. Facts do. Sorry.

The opinions you stated were actually portrayed as fact, in fact conclusions. Now neither are factually true. And that is the reason the for the aggressive pushback.

Many have come here with opinion. Some held their beliefs but never came off as condescending and dismissive. Many had their eyes and beliefs shattered and enjoying lethality in such a low recoil system. But they actually read the data, all of it.

Those that demonstrate in their posts they have not read yet feel their opinion must be heard and it trumps 300 pages of objective contribution is going to get pummeled, rightfully so.

Up to you, whether you take it personally, and run or except some advice, and spend a couple of weeks reading…