@barehandlineman now you’ve woken the self appointed know it all. You’ll quickly learn, I assume you already have, that his experience is all the matters. He can shoot an animal 5 times including a coup de grace, and it’s just an animal that’s tuned up. So there’s never a failure, and he can’t be wrong. There always a reason, a way to explain away what happens. When he gets stuck, he gets aggressive and starts answering questions with questions, insulting people’s intelligence and experience. Falling back on his “I’m black and white, I don’t have emotion or feelings”.
Keep it up and he’ll start cherry picking google definitions to throw at you to show how smart he is, until he gets called out.
He’ll happily assume things like “you have no experience with X” just to prove a point, whether it’s truE or not, then when proven wrong just move on.
It’s too bad his social and communication skills are so poor because he does actually have good information to share. But his inability to do it makes him…well him. At some point you just ignore him, I’m still working on getting to that point.