It’s disgusting, I live the same reality here in Oregon, and am strongly considering moving out of my home state for similar reasons. Look what they emphasize in the media and the things they refuse to talk about… if it fits the narrative it’s blown up, if not, it’s completely hidden… anti truth, pro narrative garbage… the worst part of it all is how naive people seem to be about it, if people were just willing to think for themselves we would be a lot better off, blindly following the narrative is going to sink this country if we maintain our current trajectoryYeah, I’ve really focused hard to eject any and all emotion out of any subject such as this. As well as many other hot button issues. Trying only to see the logic or the lack there of any many of these issues.
Unfortunately I think that is part of “their” agenda is to weaponize peoples emotions to press forward their policies.
I’m strongly considering just packing it up and moving to Wyoming. The cult like delusion of woke politics is sending Colorado to hell in a hand basket from guns, energy to wildlife policies.
Utterly sad to witness this train wreck taking place.
People have become so lazy they don’t even want to think for themselves, and the higher powers are pushing lack of accountability like it’s a virtue… it’s absolutely mind blowing