Your first deer rifle?

My first rifle was a Tikka Whitetail Hunter in .270. Beautiful gun and to this day the smoothest action and trigger of any rifle I own. I bought this gun(new never fired) from an uncle of mine when I was 14.
The older blued Tikka T3 lite (pre-x model) in .308 win. Had an old Nikon Prostaff 3-9 on it back before they discontinued scopes. Took my first 7 white-tail with it. A good friend and my wife also took their first white-tail with it. Sadly it somehow got moisture in and on it and rusted severely a few years ago. I have bought and sold many guns since turning 18. That one is the only one I miss. Lot of good memories.
Mom and Dad got me a Winchester Model 94 Trapper .30-30 for Christmas 1983 at 14 years old. My first 3 bucks fell to that little carbine. I still have it and will never get rid of it, although I rarely use it any longer, the open sights and my eyes being the primary reason. I think one of those reflex sight mounts from Turnbull may be in order, and get the rifle back into the deer woods.