Your first deer rifle?

Marlin 336CS purchased new by Dad in '97 or so, topped with a Bushnell Sportview 3-9x40ish.
Killed my first 5 deer with it over the next 3 years, then the scope let me down. Dad had bought a BAR in the meantime, and I just picked up his old 7400 .30-06 and killed many more deer with it.
Fast forward about 10 years and I got a hankering to break out the .30-30 again. Topped it with a Zeiss Conquest MC (no more cheap scopes for me), and it has killed probably 20 more deer since then. It now wears a Leupold VX-Freedom 2-7x32 for now.
Going full-circle, my 10 year-old killed his first deer with that same rifle on Jan 1 this past year.
My first rifle that I still have but don't use much anymore Remington 7600 pump 30-06
Have you seen their price now? I passed on a 7600 in 30-06 7 or 8 years ago in a LGS for $250, and it even had an old Redfield Widefield scope mounted (which was worth >$100 even then). Kicking myself for that now.
Yea, actually this fall I went thru my gun collection and sold quite a few. (Had to have a Xbolt2) i Almost sold it to a guy and decided to keep it for my grandson.
Marlin 336CS purchased new by Dad in '97 or so, topped with a Bushnell Sportview 3-9x40ish.
Killed my first 5 deer with it over the next 3 years, then the scope let me down. Dad had bought a BAR in the meantime, and I just picked up his old 7400 .30-06 and killed many more deer with it.
Fast forward about 10 years and I got a hankering to break out the .30-30 again. Topped it with a Zeiss Conquest MC (no more cheap scopes for me), and it has killed probably 20 more deer since then. It now wears a Leupold VX-Freedom 2-7x32 for now.
Going full-circle, my 10 year-old killed his first deer with that same rifle on Jan 1 this past year.
Great story.
Mine was a 336 30/30. Since then I have added many to the stable, but no doubt in my mind i killed more deer with that 30/30 than all the rest. I went on a tear in my late teens with that rifle. That was my "if it's brown it's down" phase.
My first deer rifle was a Winchester 94 .30-30 that I bought with money from my paper route. I put it on lay-a-way and paid about $25 every two weeks on it. Wish I still had it.
Winchester Model 70, .243 with a Simmons ATEC 3.5-14x44. Shooting Winchester Ballistic Silvertips 95 grain.

Gun was borrowed from family friend and I don't believe had ever seen a gun case. Simply on the backseat of the truck, under the back seat, you name it. It was a rider, unseatbelted in. Pretty sure the scope was mounted a bit angled. Anywho tac driver. That was 2012 ish. Picked it up for a you hunter on youth day two years ago. Same thing. Doesn't miss.
My first rifle that I still have but don't use much anymore Remington 7600 pump 30-06
That was my very first deer rifle as well I got it at the age of 14. One of my sons who lives in UT has it for the time being. It has an old Redfield scope with see-through rings.
My Dad bought my first deer rifle, a NEA single shot .270, when I was about 11 or 12.
Bought a nephew one of those.
It would NOT put two shots in the same county, much less on the same target!
Sent it back. They "accurized" it, according to them.
Best it would do was about a 2.5" group at a hundred yards.
I shot my first deer with a Savage 170 (30-30 pump).

My first rifle was an H&R single shot in 25-06, man that thing was dangerous with 100 grain corelokts. I re-scoped it a couple years ago, need to get it back in the woods.
That was my first rifle also. I paid $113 of hard earned summer farm money for it. Put a 3x9x40 bushnell sportview on it. That was in 1977. In 79 I traded it in on a Remington 700 in 7mm Express that I ordered and waited 6 months for. Still have that one and I wish I still had the Savage. I found another carbine in 30-30 and I also found a standard in 35 Remington. Dad still has his standard in 30-30.
My first gun that I deer hunted with was a New England single shot 20 gauge. I bought it at a flea market for $50.

First rifle was a Ruger M77 270 win. I mowed yards all summer when I was 14 and bought that rifle.

I still own both guns. I killed 2 does with 270 this year. My brother used it to kill his best buck, a 9pt shot on last day of season. Took the 20 squirrel hunting last week and got 4.
Pre 64 model 70 .270 with fixed 4x scope.
It is now my sons rifle and the scope has been upgraded to a Leupold VX5HD 3-15x44.