Yellowstone - Season 4 - This Sunday 8pm


Dec 22, 2013
West Palm Beach, Fla
I know the area and hunt MT so I love the scenery but could only get through half of the first season and I had to called BS. I really can't stand hollywood either but my friends all love.

Garbage in garbage out. I'll be in my library.
Feb 2, 2020
Everyone I know raves about this show.

We watched an episode or two, but I turned it off after the scene in the first season where they were fly fishing and catching fish off of horseback.

I figured if the show was going to be as cliched and contrived as having Montana cowboys fly fishing off of horseback, I better cut my losses before I invested any time into it.

I‘ll give it another shot though.

Side note. I like Kevin Costner as an actor, and I’ve met him too. Kevin owns a property in Aspen with a stocked trout pond on it. I used to guide fishing out of Aspen, and we’d volunteer our time to take kids with terminal illnesses fishing at Kevin Costner’s place. Kevin and his wife would come out to say hi, and he was genuinely a nice person. Kevin even attended the wedding of a buddy of mine who had met him through his bartending job. I knew quite a few locals in Aspen who had met Kevin or interacted with him over the years, and everyone always mentioned what a nice guy he is.

I always thought he was probably a nice guy, so that's good to hear!


Jun 6, 2012
My wife and I watched one episode. Neither of us had any interest in watching more of it. I can watch action adventure or sci-fi that have no connection to reality, but I can't stomach a modern day "Dallas" in Montana. My bullshit meter was pegged. I've always like Costner as an actor, but not that show. I'd rather be forced to watch Water World. :)


Sep 16, 2016
St. Louis
It's just a TV show, purely entertainment, not a historical piece of non-fiction or a Ken Burns series. I don't think anyone ever said it's realistic. So considering that, I like it and think it's enjoyable. A fair amount of action, good scenery, including Beth, it's not all bad!


Oct 18, 2021
yellow stone is the best show on TV period.. and the wife loves it as well so its a double bonus!
Jul 21, 2019
No, it’s not believable, but neither is Star Wars. I think most people that don’t like it don’t because Kevin isn’t really a good guy. We are used to him being a really good guy. He has some good qualities, but his ranch and family come first. The law be dammed. If that’s not your cup of tea, you won’t like it. But if you are tired of PC, predictable shows, you will prob like it. Opening weekend of deer season is here followed by heading home and watching the next episode. Cant wait.


Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
No, it’s not believable, but neither is Star Wars. I think most people that don’t like it don’t because Kevin isn’t really a good guy. We are used to him being a really good guy. He has some good qualities, but his ranch and family come first. The law be dammed. If that’s not your cup of tea, you won’t like it. But if you are tired of PC, predictable shows, you will prob like it. Opening weekend of deer season is here followed by heading home and watching the next episode. Cant wait.
I have no problem with costner. The problem is the never ending dipshittery. Weave a horse trailer down the road the the two guys inside not only end up dead, but they just get rid of the bodies and nothing happens. The bank takes over a guys ranch and they just take his horses to auction and give the widow the proceeds. Jeezus H, krusty the clown could follow that trail but nope, not here. Then we hang the fat guy and dump his body off the side of the road, where they've been dumping for decades but somehow, nobody ever finds the dump. Mid 1800's, yea maybe, but set in current times it's beyond stupid.
Sep 24, 2019
I have no problem with costner. The problem is the never ending dipshittery. Weave a horse trailer down the road the the two guys inside not only end up dead, but they just get rid of the bodies and nothing happens. The bank takes over a guys ranch and they just take his horses to auction and give the widow the proceeds. Jeezus H, krusty the clown could follow that trail but nope, not here. Then we hang the fat guy and dump his body off the side of the road, where they've been dumping for decades but somehow, nobody ever finds the dump. Mid 1800's, yea maybe, but set in current times it's beyond stupid.
I think there may be some validity to the “train station”. Pretty sure Meateater covered it in a podcast. Obviously not very realistic. But I can’t think of a lot of shows that are.
Dec 31, 2020
"Justified" with Timothy Olyphant? Similarly farcical but worthy.

To keep on topic: Yellowstone - Season 3, Episode 4. Enough said.
Justified isn’t my favorite (nothing comes close to The Americans), but it was far better than Yellowstone imo.

The poster who called it a soap opera for men isn’t wrong, but that’s not new. Most hit shows are to some extent. Yellowstone is just SoA on horses, with a filthy rich rancher complaining about how hard ranching is for good measure.

I’ll keep watching regardless.
Oct 24, 2021
It’s not very believable but I can’t seem to look away because I want to find out what happens next. I’m looking forward to season 4
Apr 5, 2015
Sopranos for the rodeo crowd. Reminds me of the old school prime time soaps like Dallas and Knots Landing. I love it. It had some silly moments early on (bear chaisng Asian tourists over a cliff) but I am hooked. Big fan of the creator, Taylor Sheridan. His 1st Sicario movie and Wind River are awesome.

looking forward to season 4.