Vote no on prop 127, Durango newspaper add.


Maintain science-based wildlife management by professionals, Reject ballot box biology

Maintain wildlife conservation and management funds. In Colorado >70% of funds to manage and conserve all wildlife (huntable or not) is from hunting /fishing license sales!

Removing hunting will increase taxpayer funded Mountain Lion removal that leads to waste of the animal, > 3000 mountain lions in California killed since end of hunting lions in that state

FACTS from Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Mountain Lions and Bobcats are not biologically threatened, in fact they are abundant

Lynx are a nationally protected species, ZERO Lynx have been harvested by hunters or trappers

Bobcats and Mountain lions have increased in numbers since becoming huntable in 1965

Populations are at or above needed levels

CPW believes that current management practices provide stable populations

Higher conflict areas (DURANGO/Glenwood/Roaring Fork/Front Range) have less hunting

By Law hunters must prepare Mountain Lion for human consumption

Hound hunting allows selective harvest and decreases the number of female lions harvested <40% in Colorado vs 60% in states without hound hunting

Lions often evade hounds, data shows a significant proportion of lions treed by hounds are allowed to escape- selective harvest of mature males

CPW manages hunting based on population objectives, previous year’s harvest, equipment types, season length, all of which is based on the best available science

Mountain Lion harvest is highly regulated and limited to harvest objectives

FALSE Information from Pro Prop 127 groups

FALSE-Mountain lions/Bobcats/ Lynx are at risk

FALSE- Lynx are at risk of being trapped, FACT- ZERO known cases of accidental harvest

FALSE- “Trophy Hunting”- FACT- all Lions must be prepared for human consumption

FALSE- Hounds lead to “guaranteed kill” /increase female harvest

FALSE- Taking away management tools will solve a “problem” like Chronic Wasting Disease

FALSE- Top funders of opposition are Safari Club international – FACT-it’s Coloradoans For Responsible Wildlife Management

FALSE- Hunting Cats is a “Moral Issue”- FACT- Hunting is Human, Dogs were domesticated to aid hunting

FALSE- They only want to regulate Cat hunting- TRUTH- Stated goal is to end all hunting

FALSE- A stop to hunting will prevent Mountain Lion deaths- FACT- taxpayers will pay for mountain lion removal and their subsequent waste.


Might get some to donate a dollar. I dont know, I bought a hoodie and have had a monthly donation to CWRM on repeat. The receipt is enough for me.

I will be trying their maps when my OnX runs out. The only reason is because of what they and Lorenzo did.
I like their maps and keep it as a second app on my phone, last year ONX did an update after I left the house for 1st rifle ad completely shut me until I could update my phone.
Please remind every one of them that their emotions have zero to do with biology and game management.
It won’t matter but it’ll make me feel better when we lose…I’ve talked to all my friends and family and I have had zero pushback. We need to talk to everyone that will listen, and even those that won’t.

Here was my response to the first cat lady… IMG_4075.jpeg
It won’t matter but it’ll make me feel better when we lose…I’ve talked to all my friends and family and I have had zero pushback. We need to talk to everyone that will listen, and even those that won’t.

Here was my response to the first cat lady… View attachment 775338
I like the last part, may steal it
Oh man, I got the hornets nest stirred now!

Not sure if the link will work… the best way to have a debate is without insults…

Won’t let me comment, not my hood

Sherri would prefer CPW to kill them and thrown the whole damn thing in the trash. God forbid someone wants to use as much of the animal as possible.
the “Sherri’s” of this state have been it’s biggest downfall way too many have moved in. IMO just about no one should be able to vote on this stuff, same with the wolf vote. Ballot box biology is insane.
I don’t know why I go down those rabbit holes. I already know the final product, I get pissed off at idiots and nothing changes. Kind of like my arguments on here sometimes. 😂
The Colorado people I have spoken to that support this and voted for the wolf reintroduction have no idea about the nuances and most are receptive when you make a reasonable argument why it’s not a good idea.
Most are voting with their hearts and not basing the decision on reason.
$360 gifted/donated. You guys are great, I would have been happy w a cool sticker. Reviewing material w CRWM peeps, will make a few adjustments and submit this evening/tomorrow morning for Sunday publication.

Shout outs to JB, JH, ,DF, GB, MA, BP, LC, PM, JS, BL, JB, RM, LC, GM, and anyone I missed!