Wyoming residents want first chance at leftover big game tags


May 27, 2017
But if you look at last years leftovers that’s a good start I’d think, if residents only drew say 30% and NR got 70%, seems like that would be an easy unit to get a tag in.
Maybe, maybe not. One area I used to apply as a second choice with 100% odds for a decade, all of a sudden wasn't even a sure thing as a first choice. My last year's assured 3rd choice will probably not be a sure thing second choice..maybe not even 100 percent first choice.

Things change from year to year.


Mar 4, 2012
Would I be off in suggesting more than 3 choices in the initial draw for residents? Why a second draw with 3 more chances? Just give residents 6 chances in the first draw.


Sep 26, 2018
Maybe, maybe not. One area I used to apply as a second choice with 100% odds for a decade, all of a sudden wasn't even a sure thing as a first choice. My last year's assured 3rd choice will probably not be a sure thing second choice..maybe not even 100 percent first choice.

Things change from year to year.
But then residents drew 80% of those tags, right? In previous years they may of only drew 60%.


May 27, 2017
But then residents drew 80% of those tags, right? In previous years they may of only drew 60%.
Clearly we aren't on the same page...and that's fine. The Commission, Task Force, and Residents understand what the issues are.

What used to be pretty predictable by looking at past years draw results, no longer is.

Wasn't that long ago a general NR elk tag could be had on a second choice...for those paying attention, pun be intended.

coues craze

May 19, 2018
Clearly we aren't on the same page...and that's fine. The Commission, Task Force, and Residents understand what the issues are.

What used to be pretty predictable by looking at past years draw results, no longer is.

Wasn't that long ago a general NR elk tag could be had on a second choice...for those paying attention, pun be intended.
God I miss those days and should have taken advantage of it way more than I did. I don’t blame residents one bit for wanting their allocations. Sadly, at least in areas I’ve hunted recently, antelope need way more tags cut than what has been proposed. I’m well aware this changes predictably in drawing and have no problem with residents getting their 80% before me. Guess I’m an outlier.


May 9, 2013
I don't have the energy or the time to see if other antelope areas are like 16 where non-residents get the majority of the tags. Area 16 may be an outlier and even with a second resident-only draw the residents still might not buy all the tags. Who knows? (Are there any antelope in area 16??)

I don't see any reason for the residents not to get their 80% allocation if it takes 10 separate drawings or they give them away with a $20 grocery purchase at Safeway. (restated: residents should get all 80% allocated to them). Then if residents aren't getting tags they know it's because their neighbor got it, not a non-resident. This will hopefully delay any move to 90/10 for a few more years.

My other thought is that if antelope numbers are hurting then maybe the maximum number of tags per hunter should be reduced from the current levels (6 total) so the tags available could be better distributed whether it's resident or non-resident.

I'm out. (until May 19 when I'm crying about no elk tag)
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Mar 4, 2013
Genuine question here, let's flip this around. How do I as a resident explain to another resident hunter who is a very casual hunter that doesn't understand the ins and outs of the draw process that NR got 67% of the antelope buck tags in a unit and that that's okay.


Sep 26, 2018
Genuine question here, let's flip this around. How do I as a resident explain to another resident hunter who is a very casual hunter that doesn't understand the ins and outs of the draw process that NR got 67% of the antelope buck tags in a unit and that that's okay.
Wouldn’t you explain that it’s because resident applications were not directed there, creating a surplus that nonresident’s scooped up. In the end that’s all it is, all residents have a chance at 80% of tags as long as they don’t all apply for the same units.

So nonresidents only obtained that which residents didn’t feel worth being within choices 1-3 for their own personal reasons.

Only way nonresident’s can get more then 20% is because not enough residents applied to make up the 80% in the draw through 3 cycles or the units were not deemed worth a try in the draw, if they don’t draw it’s because more residents applied for their desired units then tags were available but had they applied for these less desirable tags that have leftovers they would of drawn.
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May 9, 2013
Genuine question here, let's flip this around. How do I as a resident explain to another resident hunter who is a very casual hunter that doesn't understand the ins and outs of the draw process that NR got 67% of the antelope buck tags in a unit and that that's okay.
if this is directed at me then please re-read my post

if you are a casual hunter who doesn't understand the ins and outs of the draw process then you will likely not hunt much or buy a bunch of silly preference points somewhere. It's sad but that's what is happening in the west. Or you could move to Oklahoma and buy a deer tag from your phone on the way to the woods. I'm being a smartass but it is unfortunate for those who aren't truly vested in the process. When I got home with my elk this fall my buddies would ask about elk hunting and getting a tag. I would start to explain the process and their faces went totally blank and then they walk off.
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Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
Genuine question here, let's flip this around. How do I as a resident explain to another resident hunter who is a very casual hunter that doesn't understand the ins and outs of the draw process that NR got 67% of the antelope buck tags in a unit and that that's okay.

It's OK, because that's how the process was initially set up and residents haven't changed it. And internet petitions are worthless; go to meetings or call so you speak to the commissioners directly.
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Apr 28, 2021
The state legally own the game and has the right to manage it as they see fit. Particularly for residents of that state . They have drawings, point systems and excessive non-resident cost etc.
Here's a thought. Maybe the Federal government should start a drawing system with points and fees for access to big game hunting on Federal lands. They would issue a regulated number of permits through a draw to have access to hunt that big game species for the season on Federal land. You would be welcome to use that federal land for other endeavours just not hunting that particular big game species unless you were issued a permit. Within that state you could hunt private or state land with your state issued hunting license at your discretion. This would eliminate the "overcrowding " problems one hears of


Feb 3, 2016
Would I be off in suggesting more than 3 choices in the initial draw for residents? Why a second draw with 3 more chances? Just give residents 6 chances in the first draw.

Or, why not a 4 th choice like NM, where you agree to take any leftover tag….


Mar 4, 2013
It's OK, because that's how the process was initially set up and residents haven't changed it. And internet petitions are worthless; go to meetings or call so you speak to the commissioners directly.
Thank you for the response Bob your opinion carries far more weight than most here. The nr/r draws have only been combined for 4? yrs now. I know the majority or residents have no idea what the nr/r allocation percentages are. Most are however aware they can't get a left over or second antelope tag. This problem was created with combining the draws and demand skyrocketing simultaneously. I'm not saying anything you don't already know here.

To your second point, noted. Shaul starting a worthless internet petition, there's a joke in there somewhere.
Jun 18, 2019
In past years I’ve been able to purchase NR whitetail deer doe/fawn tags and a cow/calf tag over the counter during our hunt. I am in agreement with Buzz’s line of thought that if the R leftovers are only allowed to be purchased by R’s, you’d keep it at the 80/20 he mentioned. Which for NR would be much better than a 90/10. It just wouldn’t bring in as much $$ at current license rates due to price difference.


Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
I believe residents have drawn first since the nr draw started but buzz or Jeff would be better to answer that; It's something I haven't asked licensing about.
Nothing wrong with a petition but from my perspective I haven't seen any of the change org petitions do any good. Kind of like those email form letters people get started and everybody emails the same thing to game commissions. I think this topic needs phone calls from residents to task force members and commissioners to get solid traction.
Robb Shaul seems to be a resident that's passionate about hunting and getting as much resident opportunity as possible. I can't fault him or any resident for that opinion. He's been confused on a cpl topics and I thought he could have handled it better. I have people in the dept I've talked to for years and they have always gone out of their way to provide any info I've requested. The old honey -vs- vinegar thing works for me.
You guys will get it figured out, nr will complain for a while, then we'll all get back to hunting.


Nov 13, 2019
Wouldn’t you explain that it’s because resident applications were not directed there, creating a surplus that nonresident’s scooped up. In the end that’s all it is, all residents have a chance at 80% of tags as long as they don’t all apply for the same units.

So nonresidents only obtained that which residents didn’t feel worth being within choices 1-3 for their own personal reasons.

Only way nonresident’s can get more then 20% is because not enough residents applied to make up the 80% in the draw through 3 cycles or the units were not deemed worth a try in the draw, if they don’t draw it’s because more residents applied for their desired units then tags were available but had they applied for these less desirable tags that have leftovers they would of drawn.
One thing I'm genuinely curious about: how many tags are we actually talking about here?

Because I've seen this thread pop up about antelope in Wyoming, another false thread about NR's getting more sheep tags than entitled to in Montana in the Sheep forum, another guy on another forum raising holy hell about FCFS on turn back tags (7 RESIDENTS TURNED THEIR SHEEP TAGS IN) in Nevada going to more NR's and there being some giant conspiracy, and another guy in New Mexico that's killed sheep in multiple states wanting to blow the system up there because of some minor statistical difference he's found in allocation.

At what point do some people top being turds in the punch bowl and start advocating for growing seemingly shrinking populations?

We're picking fly shit out of the pepper talking about moving a handful of tags from NR to R here. Nobody's draw odds are increasing either way.
Jul 17, 2017
I've zero interest in supporting shaul.

Something does need to change with the leftovers and initial draw allocations though. 75+ % of buck antelope tags going to nr in some units is a social problem. I've never checked but I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of cow/Calf or doe/fawn went to nr in some units. Pretty humorous really contrasted to the whine fest after 90/10 big 5.
Shaul won’t stop until the allocation is 100/0 res/non-res for all species. In case you haven’t heard he is 547th generation Wyomingite and was in the coast guard……

Steve O

Classified Approved
Feb 29, 2012
I’d imagine WYGF would rather take in NR fees than resident fees for these leftover tags that the residents didn’t originally want. Maybe the way to do it is how Idaho did and allow the residents to buy a second buck tag at the non resident rate? Offer the leftovers to the residents for the non resident rate and everyone is happy; WYGF gets no cut in funding and residents get their tags.