Colorado Big Game Season Structure Survey

Some CO landowner vouchers are so valuable to sell to NRs (via brokers and outfitters) that it takes more points for a "landowner" to draw one than for someone to draw them through the regular draw. My plains area is that way for buck pronghorn and one of the deer rifle seasons.

Yup... I'm in that boat.

I have neighbors who don't hunt who pull vouchers and use them as supplemental income.
My suggestion were real simple.

Anytime you hunt any species male or female = you loose all your points. It would allow Colorado to keep otc as well as kill point creep and slow crowding.

A requirement for residents to get minimum of 75% of licenses. 75% of all returned tags.. 75% youth tags.. 75% secondary draw tags. 75% lo tags. Absolutely necessary to be fair to residents. If the license sit on the list for 48 hours nr can get them so there is plenty of opportunities for nr as well.

Change the deer seasons back to normal after the absolute debacle by the CBA screwing deer hunters by taking days.

Seems reasonable.

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My suggestion were real simple.

Anytime you hunt any species male or female = you loose all your points. It would allow Colorado to keep otc as well as kill point creep and slow crowding.

Change the deer seasons back to normal after the absolute debacle by the CBA screwing deer hunters by taking days.

I'd be ok with this for drawn licenses, and if there was a cutoff date for OTC sales sometime before the reissue/leftover initial sale day in August. I don't think that if a person picks up a license that is understandable but needed for managing animal numbers, they should lose/use any points. I would think there would be a lot of licenses that go unsold because people either use their A/B or B/B, or don't want to spend X points on a hard hunt.

The CBA comment is why I haven't been a member since several years ago when the CPW liaison formally recommended two separate seasons of two weeks or less for archers.
Only thing I'd like to see is to bring back the 2 days they took out of 3rd Rifle.

Keep OTC but make it for DAU's not statewide

Leave PP's alone, you don't have to play the PP game if you don't want to it has always been a choice to go after quality unit's so don't complain about PP creep, making people burn PP's if they hold a tag will not stop PP creep it only shifts it to lower point draw areas. Supply and Demand.