Colorado Big Game Season Structure Survey

Can we get back to talking to season dates like adults? I get it We R want more and so do the NR. Entitled people all over blah blah blah. Anyone else make a comment in favor or against later rifle seasons?
No more building points, after 3 years preference points turn to bonus points. Each bonus point equates to an extra name in the hat. After that everything goes to a straight lottery. Everyone has a chance to draw. If you don’t like it, use your PP in the next 3 years.

No more Otc for nonresidents, everything is a draw like deer

75/25 across the board

Otc for residents only, becomes a general tag

Turnback tags to the residents for first hour

Done and done…
How would it work for NR like me that only hunts on a Private Ranch with an outfitter, but it is in an OTC unit (78/81)? I've never applied for any draw, so I have no points. I only hunt Elk, and have been hunting 2nd rifle season. I'm too old to be building up points now (I'm 70), and want to keep hunting with the outfitter.
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How would it work for NR like me that only hunts on a Private Ranch with an outfitter, but it is in an OTC unit (78/81)? I've never applied for any draw, so I have no points. I only hunt Elk, and have been hunting 2nd rifle season. I'm too old to be building up points now (I'm 70), and want to keep hunting with the outfitter.
PLO tags?

If it went to all draw you’d still be able to draw most Otc units with your first or second choice. You just wouldn’t be be able to buy them in September.
I own enough land in CO to qualify for deer and antelope vouchers through the LPP program. I did not draw Antelope through that program... for the 3rd year in a row.

I also cannot hunt where I want in my own state as it takes an ubserd amount of points. Even an average deer unit takes a handful. Elk... forget it, that's once in a lifetime, if your lucky. Antelope, same thing, 20 plus points. I'm well aware of the feeling of not being able to hunt your own state or property. It sucks. However, it's not the NR hunters fault. That blame goes to CO game & fish. They set the tag allocations, quotas and program rules. My understanding is they're restructuring for 2025 so residents will only have 1 more year of NRs ruining hunting. After that everything should be right as rain.
Can we get back to talking to season dates like adults? I get it We R want more and so do the NR. Entitled people all over blah blah blah. Anyone else make a comment in favor or against later rifle seasons?
Well I guess if you guys are going back to season dates. I'm out. I will check in periodically in case this gets off track so I don't miss out
I own enough land in CO to qualify for deer and antelope vouchers through the LPP program. I did not draw Antelope through that program... for the 3rd year in a row.

I also cannot hunt where I want in my own state as it takes an ubserd amount of points. Even an average deer unit takes a handful. Elk... forget it, that's once in a lifetime, if your lucky. Antelope, same thing, 20 plus points. I'm well aware of the feeling of not being able to hunt your own state or property. It sucks. However, it's not the NR hunters fault. That blame goes to CO game & fish. They set the tag allocations, quotas and program rules. My understanding is they're restructuring for 2025 so residents will only have 1 more year of NRs ruining hunting. After that everything should be right as rain.
From AZ?
In short, I went OTC for residents, draw for NR. That is the maximum effort I will put into this "pre planning" for the next five year structure. I have attended meetings in the past, and just don't have it in me any longer to make the drive and be completely ingnored. They have their mind made up already, trust me. This is all white noise.

At this point in my life, I've drawn sheep and goat multiple times, moose, etc. I've killed many elk, I'll just take what comes these days as we are not in control, and call it good. If that's with a gazillion NRs out there so be it. I have spots to get away. Good for you guys that are involved.
Agree with this 110%. But on the flip side you might get extreme overcrowding in certain DAUs that will need to be managed, but better than the current system.

You know its all about the $$$. We should be going to a system like Idaho for mule deer where the OTC is first come first serve, capped, and specific unit based. Current system is ridiculous that anyone can come grab a tag at the gas station and hunt BULL ELK. Is there any other state I can do that, let alone hunt trophy bucks/bulls OTC as a NR (especially for the price CO charges!)
You can come to Wisconsin and hunt bucks and doe for pretty cheep. Over the counter tags. Buck tag is state wide and doe tags are by count and private/public land. Some counties you get 3 of them per weapon.

It’s hard to understand from the outside. R have lost a ton as is. You are a rancher right? What if you had to draw for deer on your ranch every year? What if it got to the point where you can’t hunt your private land every year? Have a friend who had his land go from OTC, to draw to now he can’t even get a landowner voucher every year, maybe he can hunt 1 time in 3 years this is for deer and elk, this is happening all over the state. Be like saying cool you have a ranch but you can only hunt deer 5 hours from your house in a unit you don’t know, come on though it’s still opportunity right?
That’s not much different than bear hunting in Wisconsin except it can be up to 10 years to get a tag in some zones. We have that structure for bear, Fischer and bobcats.
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In short, I went OTC for residents, draw for NR. That is the maximum effort I will put into this "pre planning" for the next five year structure. I have attended meetings in the past, and just don't have it in me any longer to make the drive and be completely ingnored. They have their mind made up already, trust me. This is all white noise.

Ive done the same - No truer words spoken
I own enough land in CO to qualify for deer and antelope vouchers through the LPP program. I did not draw Antelope through that program... for the 3rd year in a row.

I also cannot hunt where I want in my own state as it takes an ubserd amount of points. Even an average deer unit takes a handful. Elk... forget it, that's once in a lifetime, if your lucky. Antelope, same thing, 20 plus points. I'm well aware of the feeling of not being able to hunt your own state or property. It sucks. However, it's not the NR hunters fault. That blame goes to CO game & fish. They set the tag allocations, quotas and program rules. My understanding is they're restructuring for 2025 so residents will only have 1 more year of NRs ruining hunting. After that everything should be right as rain.
Please share the restructuring plan for 2025.
Have you taken the survey that’s in the beginning of this thread?

Those are the topics - among others that we won’t know yent
I did take the Big Game Season Survey. The questions prompted by overcrowding in OTC units is a first step in solving that problem. Other big issues that need addressed are The Secondary (Youth) Draw and Leftover Process to give residents priority. This post isn't about that so I'll not go there.
No, I don't agree with not being able to hunt your own ranch like you mentioned. I don't how the Colorado landowner vouchers work. But I agree, you would think that a landowner should be able to get a tag for their own land.
Some CO landowner vouchers are so valuable to sell to NRs (via brokers and outfitters) that it takes more points for a "landowner" to draw one than for someone to draw them through the regular draw. My plains area is that way for buck pronghorn and one of the deer rifle seasons.
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fixed it for you.

As for the rest of the chatter about trying to take away from one party to redistribute to another. Non res will remember. I’m sure non res are chomping at the bit to help with time, money, and effort to help stop wolves. Next year it will be cat hunting with dogs. Or maybe full on Cali and zero cat hunting whether you use dogs or not.

I’m sure you residents will be able to stop the cat hunting ban on your own. Good luck.
It will come down to a vote, just like the wolf issue. pretty hard for a NR to have an impact on that.

Here is my free form answers at the end.

-List A/B should only be determined by whether it was drawn as a first choice. Even if it is Bull/Buck, it should be List B if it was drawn as a second choice or below, even if it is a Cow/Doe it should only be List A if it is drawn as a first choice.
-The preference point hunt codes should go away. The only way to gain a preference point should be by applying for a hunt code drawn in the prior year at or below the number of points you are applying with. This way, everyone either has a fair chance of drawing/gaining a point or no points. This would be intended to minimize point creed and jump.
-The number of choices per species should be increased. The only licenses that can be obtained by the applicant are the ones that they applied for in the primary draw. This would stand for the secondary draw, reissue, or leftover hunt codes. This is intended to reward people who scout and know what hunt codes they want to hunt the most, so if one comes up as a reissue they have a better chance at obtaining it.
-OTC should be limited to DAU and not "statewide" so that better management can occur.
-OTC should be a resident-only option. I also think that the units that are deemed to be OTC candidates should be separated into two (or more) pools. There should be a three-year rotation of those pools where one pool is OTC for three years, and the other pool is drawn. Then they flip.
-OTC should be no specific season so that a hunter can hunt archery through the third season with the same license.

Some interesting ideas there.
Some CO landowner vouchers are so valuable to sell to NRs (via brokers and outfitters) that it takes more points for a "landowner" to draw one than for someone to draw them through the regular draw. My plains area is that way for buck pronghorn and one of the deer rifle seasons.
I didn't really know how the Co vouchers were awarded and used. I don't have an issue with them or how they are pulled out of the tag quota first. If they want to change something about them. I would like to see them not be transferable. Ks had transferable landowner tags years ago. It didn't take very long before the state decided to do away with them.
My suggestion were real simple.

Anytime you hunt any species male or female = you loose all your points. It would allow Colorado to keep otc as well as kill point creep and slow crowding.

A requirement for residents to get minimum of 75% of licenses. 75% of all returned tags.. 75% youth tags.. 75% secondary draw tags. 75% lo tags. Absolutely necessary to be fair to residents. If the license sit on the list for 48 hours nr can get them so there is plenty of opportunities for nr as well.

Change the deer seasons back to normal after the absolute debacle by the CBA screwing deer hunters by taking days.