Wyoming NR Special increase headed for the Gov's signature

Arizona’s the crazy one. Their fish and game department paid influencers to promote AZ hunting and get more hunters into their state. Now they are limiting opportunity. Well, why try to recruit more hunters in the first place then?
Arizona claims seven of the top 10 Pope and Young typical world record bull elk records.
Domination like that doesn’t need much promotion.
I haven't asked BHA if your claim is correct, and haven't seen a statement from BHA, but Buzz doesn't speak for BHA unless he's acting under the boards direction. He's free to express his own opinion and has said so many times.
As for Buzz and 90/10, that's a no brainer for any resident. 90/10 isn't going to happen without outfitter support and the nr side may have to get split to get there. Way too early for me to worry about it. If it gets traction it'll be legislative year 2025 and a 2026 implementation date. Plenty of time to get out if you choose to.
Does Buzz know that? Seems like he speaks for BHA pretty regularly, definitely on all matters WY. He claims to have the ability and leverage to push any hunting legislation through that he deems appropriate. I would assume he is using his influence as WY BHA chair/director/rep to sway those legislators. I know BHA does a lot of great grassroots work but folks like that at the top makes me keep them at arms length.
You could ask him but I think people just assume he's speaking for BHA. He's not hard to get ahold of and it's probably the best way to find out what he really thinks about some of these current issues. Certainly better than reading comments on forums.
I will tell you he's well connected within the dept and legislature. No idea if that's thru BHA or just his personal involvement. He got with rep Western and some other legislators to get the nr bonus point legislation killed and is working with them on a way to give nr some random sheep and moose tags. Under 90/10 those are all but gone currently. If you're a sheep or moose applicant it'd be worthwhile to have a discussion with him.
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Not sure what to think about the price increase overall. Obviously don’t want to pay higher fees for anything including hunting opportunities, which are dwindling everywhere, IMO.
From what I read here on RS, it seems a fair amount of Wyoming residents along with other states residents, are frustrated by the management of wild game by their respective departments.
It’s funny to me how some of these residents believe that hammering NRs in the pocketbook will somehow solve all their problems.
Game management has nothing to do with what I’m charged. Again, my opinion.
Just seems completely misguided and illogical to believe all will be better now.
Who are these residents wanting to hammer nr via a price increase?
other than WYOGA
I would assume the constituents of the legislators who proposed the bill. As a general rule, it seems most WY resident hunters want to hammer non-resident hunters, carve out a bigger piece of the pie for them. Otherwise WY legislators and the task force wouldn’t keep proposing changes that decrease NR allocation of LQ tags and increase tag prices.
Good or bad I'm way deep in nr elk deer and antelope points. No backing out now. Higher prices suck and in the long run I don't think they will change draw odds much. Another great recession like 08 or depression would but not a price increase. I am on the red line of dropping out of moose this year. With 12 or 13 points The 90 10. Rule and price increase don't seem worth the over priced point. I've killed a moose in Canada and would gladly go back and give them money to do it again. Or AK with friends in a few years.
Good or bad I'm way deep in nr elk deer and antelope points. No backing out now. Higher prices suck and in the long run I don't think they will change draw odds much. Another great recession like 08 or depression would but not a price increase. I am on the red line of dropping out of moose this year. With 12 or 13 points The 90 10. Rule and price increase don't seem worth the over priced point. I've killed a moose in Canada and would gladly go back and give them money to do it again. Or AK with friends in a few years.
I have 6 elk, 5 deer, 5 antelope, so not super deep but likely going to move on.
I would assume the constituents of the legislators who proposed the bill. As a general rule, it seems most WY resident hunters want to hammer non-resident hunters, carve out a bigger piece of the pie for them. Otherwise WY legislators and the task force wouldn’t keep proposing changes that decrease NR allocation of LQ tags and increase tag prices.
The increase push is from WYOGA. The resident hunters from WY are not trying to hammer NR on the price of our tags.
It wasn't humor.

Free tip; check your Elk points before the app period closes.
OMG! Thats hilarious. Know whats even better? I archery elk hunted in Wyoming last year anyway. Didnt even need points.
Thankfully, I only have antelope and deer points to use up and antelope is getting burned in ‘24 with a regular tag.
Deer in ‘25 with a regular.
Guess my first elk may come from Colorado.