Wyoming G&F, how de we get a voice as NR's?

If it makes anyone feel better I would gladly pay NR tag fees if it did away with NR's.

Fact is Wyoming reserves the right to allocate tags the way they see fit. As a WY resident I have zero say in how any other state decides to allocate tags or what they charge. It's pretty simple.
But the important thing to remember is you can still complain about it on the internet. 😀
Look on the bright side, the high cost draws wealthy out of state hunters....which are responsible for opening the door to corner crossing.

If I don't think a price is a value, I keep my wallet in my pocket. I am fine knowing I'll never kill a grand slam of sheep because I have less money than the value of the hunt.....but some guys do it annually.

Comparison is the thief of joy.
From the start 90/10 was gonna happen. Lots of backdoor politics involved to get it passed it seems. A few WY wanted anything to sell the future generations away to get a few more tags. Pretty sad.

At this point as a NR, the only true way to have any say really is the nuclear option(s). Go after Robinson-Patman Act money somehow. Would take a lot to reallocate how the money is spent per state but that would hit the $$$ pockets really quick. States can allocate tags how they chose, would be nice if Robinson-Patman Act funds were allocated based on R to NR tags/licenses sold. I think we'd see an immediate shift 😉

Or do what every wolf Californian does, sue under some law. Keep sueing over and over. Maybe some federal wildlife studies need to be done in how WY feeds the herds during winter and the possible damage it does. Maybe stop all hunting for a few years to let the courts figure it out like the grizzlys or wolves? Im sure studies need to be done, I mean can't be good for the animals right?

Would scare the crap out of everyone 😂
I don't know of a single state that has banned ALL non-res hunters... I think you miss interpreted what I was saying.
Plenty of states are 0% allocation for certain species.

South dakota hunters keep 100% of their elk tags. And then flock to WY to take part of the NR allocation WY provides.

Why should a SD hunter be allocated a part of the Wyoming NR allocation when he refuses to share any of his state's elk tags with an NR?

SD keeps 100% of east river deer tags for their own residents also. Goat, sheep as well.
These threads always amaze me. The, I ought to be able to live wherever I want yet dictate the terms where I want to recreate for 10 days, attitude is sad.

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Imagine if SD could survive on anything but all that federal $$$ being pumped in. Seems odd someone wants to live in a state that needs so much support because they can't support themselves.

Seems like federal welfare, fun fact WY is also in the top 15 of federal suckling like SD 👀. But hey, people who spend 0 days in SD fund your state so go on...
Donate money to the BHA. They are there to support you! LMFAO.

It's truly a shame that he isn't here to defend himself in his usual snarky, arrogant, and condescending manner.

Some of you may or may not get the following cartoon.

View attachment 642621
I've watched buzz fight for non-residents and help them hunt just to get crapped on by other residents and non residents. He's a no nonsense guy and doesn't care about your feelings he cares about facts.

When it comes to conservation I'd take Buzz over 99% of hunters any day!
Plenty of states are 0% allocation for certain species.

South dakota hunters keep 100% of their elk tags. And then flock to WY to take part of the NR allocation WY provides.

Why should a SD hunter be allocated a part of the Wyoming NR allocation when he refuses to share any of his state's elk tags with an NR?

SD keeps 100% of east river deer tags for their own residents also. Goat, sheep as well.
And like I said, NO state has banned all non-res. Nothing you said pertains to my comment or is big news. Every state sets limits on non-res hunters and for the most part always have. With the SMALL elk herd ND has it's obvious that's how the draw would work. Maybe they flock to WY for a better hunt? Doesn't matter, the tags are there and someone's gonna apply, why not them? Every state has limits BASED ON the hunter numbers, animals and herd numbers, winter kill rates, and whatever other metrics they throw in the mix, it's nothing new.
We have gotten off topic. The argument is not about banning NR hunting. The topic is about if NR get to control fish and game in any way. I’m fine with NR getting the opportunity to hunt. Hunt away. I just dont think someone not from my area or state should get the opportunity to make the rules in my state or area. Don’t like the rules the state decided on? Go hunt a different state. It’s a gift to get to hunt. Not a right.

Do you like people from other places telling you what you can and cant do in your state? Obviously this happens quite a bit regarding predators. And none of us like it. And let’s not even get into general politics. The point remains… Montana alone is responsible for montana regulations. Wyoming is responsible for Wyoming. Idaho for Idaho. Florida for Florida. Texas for texas. Etc.
I've watched buzz fight for non-residents and help them hunt just to get crapped on by other residents and non residents. He's a no nonsense guy and doesn't care about your feelings he cares about facts.

When it comes to conservation I'd take Buzz over 99% of hunters any day!
He was also the same guy that constantly threatened NR’s with 90/10 and 90/5/5. His constant threats and in the same breath bragging about his 10+ tags every year and throwing away doe and cows tags just so others couldn’t have them got old as hell.
I dont want people from WY commenting on our wildlife legislation so I don't worry about being able to comment on theirs. Does it suck for NRs to get the blame for every wildlife issue in every western state? Sure. But that wildlife belongs to the people of that state. The closest I get to having a legitimate say so is that my tax dollars help pay for a lot of the land that the people of that state use for all sorts of things, wildlife included.

Horseshit it belongs to all citizens as it lives mostly in federal land.

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These threads always amaze me. The, I ought to be able to live wherever I want yet dictate the terms where I want to recreate for 10 days, attitude is sad.

Sent from my moto g power 5G - 2023 using Tapatalk
Do you recreate in other states?
He was also the same guy that constantly threatened NR’s with 90/10 and 90/5/5. His constant threats and in the same breath bragging about his 10+ tags every year and throwing away doe and cows tags just so others couldn’t have them got old as hell.
Agreed. It was his attitude and the way that he spoke to others that was the problem. His opinions (regardless of what they were founded on or whether anyone agreed with them) were just that- OPINIONS. Everyone has them, and not everyone bases them on the same data set (facts).
Plenty of states are 0% allocation for certain species.

South dakota hunters keep 100% of their elk tags. And then flock to WY to take part of the NR allocation WY provides.

Why should a SD hunter be allocated a part of the Wyoming NR allocation when he refuses to share any of his state's elk tags with an NR?

SD keeps 100% of east river deer tags for their own residents also. Goat, sheep as well.
no we don’t there are plenty of doe tags easy river that you can get. We allow nr to apply after the second drawing. It takes 20 years for a resident to draw an elk tag so even if they let nr apply it would be longer than Arizona to draw. How many nr pheasant hunters do we have? My grandpa was on the board that set up nr waterfowl and I thank him every day for that.