Wyoming G&F, how de we get a voice as NR's?

Reg price is just under $800 and will take 8pts next year to draw since residents needed to cut NR LE tags by 50% making pts worthless so they’ll be burned on Gen tags, but hey you residents now have a .001% better chance at an LE tag.

NR LE tags for NR have not been cut 50 percent if tags numbers in LE units are cut then it effects resident and nr so no better draw odds for residents and in the past the extra tags got rolled over into the general tag draw
What I’m upset about with WY is how they have the least amount of tags, yet keep finding a way to screw the NR yet expect them to fund the states wildelife management. Our LE tags were cut by 50% for 2024 and then the state said hey let’s screw them more and make the special $2k (40% of available tags by the way) so more NR put in for the lower priced general tag even reducing their chances more.
the 2000 dollar elk tag was a outfitter deal for wealthy nr i am sure some residents did support it

i would suspect if you add up the amount of big game tags overall that wyoming sells to nr they are fairly generous add up DEA and alll the reduced price antleless tags and its comparable to most other western states just because you cant get a general tag every year like you coukd 10 years ago doesnt mean wyoming should change its tag allotment which the did with removing the 7250 cap this year a d wyoming will end up selling a extra 1000 nr general region tags
What I hope is that WY get’s 2 million new residents in the next 10 years that hunt and that they bring their politics, because 7,250NR elk tags were just too much to offer an already overpriced tag so they had to almost double the cost for 40% of the available tags and cut 50% of the LE tags for NR
If they hunt the likely don't bring the wrong politics
Maybe if resident tag costs were even 30% of NR I’d careless and not complain, maybe if the resident otc was removed and residents had to draw with 0pts or build pts for better units to trophy hunt i’d be less upset. WY is a welfare state that squeezes every ounce it can get from 49 other states, just look at your budget and how much the FEDS actualy fund it. Yet the residents are as Red as can be politically yet they are as blue as can be in actions without realizing it.
Unfortunately there is a whole bunch of “f$ck it I got mine” attitude going around forums these days.

I can imagine that 50 years ago, when decimated, slowly recovering game populations were still a recent memory, the attitude amongst all hunters was markedly different than it is now. We did great things but now everyone is spoiled… “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men” in a sort.

I think everyone in this thread should go pause and read the principles of the North American model. Particularly “democracy of hunting.”

I’d like to ask Wyoming residents if the general/special tag split, 2k elk tag, or even higher priced sheep or moose tag, along with the even worse wilderness law really is in alignment with that principle.

I get it, nonresident tags should be limited, and they should cost more, maybe even a lot more, due to their limited availability and the cost or management.

However I feel like the fact the average Joe can throw his chips in the ring, maybe draw an awesome tag, load up the truck and have an epic hunt somewhere halfway across the country is the epitome of the American dream.

I put about $1500 down on licenses, points and tags a year. I generally hunt elk in one state as a nonresident. As a father of a middle class, single income family that’s sometimes a bit of a stretch, but it’s more than doable by making it my priority.

But you get much above $1000 for an elk tag and it starts getting really hard for the average guy to afford. I could even probably swing a 2k tag every few years, but we all know this probably isn’t gonna stop there.

I don’t want to see public land hunting become a “pay to play” endeavor. It won’t work out well for us or our wildlife long term.
This all day...amen
Do you think residents that only own a house should have the same rights as those that own thousands of acres and pay 10x as much in taxes, both being residents? Should landowners then have more rights especially if their land feeds wildlife?
NR LE tags for NR have not been cut 50 percent if tags numbers in LE units are cut then it effects resident and nr so no better draw odds for residents and in the past the extra tags got rolled over into the general tag draw

the 2000 dollar elk tag was a outfitter deal for wealthy nr i am sure some residents did support it

i would suspect if you add up the amount of big game tags overall that wyoming sells to nr they are fairly generous add up DEA and alll the reduced price antleless tags and its comparable to most other western states just because you cant get a general tag every year like you coukd 10 years ago doesnt mean wyoming should change its tag allotment which the did with removing the 7250 cap this year a d wyoming will end up selling a extra 1000 nr general region tags

If they hunt the likely don't bring the wrong politics

You do realize WY only has 650k people yet receives almost 32% of it’s funding, 12 highest state from the Feds. Funding based on a per person based puts WY in second place. Remove the top 5 as they hold half our population and pay the most into the feds as well.

I also think you would be shocked how many liberals hunt and how many hippies like the mountains.

Hell yes. I'm all for it. When yall going to start? I think yall should boycott montana first! Oh yes please...pleade...please....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
As a NR I still get a guaranteed tag in MT and before anyone complains my family has a large ranch there and has since the early 1900’s. I don’t think NR complain about MT, compared to WY it gives out way more opportunities to NR.

Do you think someone that just moved to MT should have more rights than those who’s families have been landowners for over 100 years, even if they don’t live there full time?

Can’t use the we pay more in taxes annually argument either.
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Big 5 and ED&A were seriously discussed, and it is coming shortly, but yes that didn’t happen yet but it’s coming, was pretty clear in the task force that they figured it was too much at once to do it now.

But if they go regions, another task force discussion, it will cut Gen tags most would want to hunt vs the areas that are primarily private, even if they increase the tags from 7,250.

There is no task force.
They already went to Regions.
Gen Elk tags were increased for 2024.
7250 was the quota for NR full price Elk tags, issued in the regular draw. They issued thousands more via reduced price, and leftovers. The only thing that changes with 7250 going away, is the back fill of special gen licenses that topped off the 7250, and the ability to increase/decrease Elk Gen licenses as needed. That number is going up, not down; outfitters will see to that.
There is no task force.
They already went to Regions.
Gen Elk tags were increased for 2024.
7250 was the quota for NR full price Elk tags, issued in the regular draw. They issued thousands more via reduced price, and leftovers. The only thing that changes with 7250 going away, is the back fill of special gen licenses that topped off the 7250, and the ability to increase/decrease Elk Gen licenses as needed. That number is going up, not down; outfitters will see to that.
So already in regions, so 50% of the tags are in areas mainly with private land now? So you sell it as the number going up but fewer tags are available in the areas with public land based on region allocations? Or are there more tags available, say 15k in the western part of the state and 1k in the eastern?
So already in regions, so 50% of the tags are in areas mainly with private land now? So you sell it as the number going up but fewer tags are available in the areas with public land based on region allocations? Or are there more tags available, say 15k in the western part of the state and 1k in the eastern?

The Commission has the ability to change these quotas at the April meeting but likely won't this year.

new regions.jpg
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forget 7250, it's got you in the weeds
the previous years gen license totals are on that slide
So 7,250 is gone, now it can be moved up or down by region. In the western region where most accessible public land is there are now around 2500 tags?
If they just went to regions that doesn’t make sense since it’s for 2022. Is that their est to determine allocations?
The old 7250 used to be le tags first then whatever was left went to general tags usually around 4k or so give or take now the 7250 is Removed and the le will stay the same 16 percent of tags and they set the number of the regions to closely stay with the previous hunter numbers. The west region will be harder to draw for sure
forget 7250, it's got you in the weeds
the previous years gen license totals are on that slide
So 7,250 is gone, now it can be moved up or down by region. In the western region where most accessible public land is there are now around 2500 tags?
The old 7250 used to be le tags first then what ever was left went to general tags usually around 4k or so give or take now the 7250 is Removed and the le will stay the same 16 percent of tags and they set the number of the regions to closely stay with the previous hunter numbers. The west region will be harder to draw for sure
Yeah it will.
Archers quote above is correct. In addition, nr never draw the full 16% so the dept back filled with addl special gen licenses to bring the nr total up to 7250. Going forward, we still get the 16% and each year we get closer to the 16% because more apply and draw cow tags. In recent years, the dept added roughly 300 gen tags to get us up to the 7250, so the 2024 gen quota is that 300 plus a bit more.
I believe what we'll see going forward is residents against outfitters; outfitters will want more gen tags for their clients (special gen assuredly) and the residents will want the nr 16% cut down to 10% due to the increased crowds in their gen areas. Outfitters already tried to switch the 60/40 reg/special to 40/60. They also want a NR outfitter draw.
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Reg price is just under $800 and will take 8pts next year to draw since residents needed to cut NR LE tags by 50% making pts worthless so they’ll be burned on Gen tags, but hey you residents now have a .001% better chance at an LE tag.

What I’m upset about with WY is how they have the least amount of tags, yet keep finding a way to screw the NR yet expect them to fund the states wildelife management. Our LE tags were cut by 50% for 2024 and then the state said hey let’s screw them more and make the special $2k (40% of available tags by the way) so more NR put in for the lower priced general tag even reducing their chances more.

What I hope is that WY get’s 2 million new residents in the next 10 years that hunt and that they bring their politics, because 7,250NR elk tags were just too much to offer an already overpriced tag so they had to almost double the cost for 40% of the available tags and cut 50% of the LE tags for NR.

Maybe if resident tag costs were even 30% of NR I’d careless and not complain, maybe if the resident otc was removed and residents had to draw with 0pts or build pts for better units to trophy hunt i’d be less upset. WY is a welfare state that squeezes every ounce it can get from 49 other states, just look at your budget and how much the FEDS actualy fund it. Yet the residents are as Red as can be politically yet they are as blue as can be in actions without realizing it.

Ok rant over.
I think you may be mistaken about one perspective. Wyoming folks don't care or expect anything from outsiders. They completely fine being left alone
I think you may be mistaken about one perspective. Wyoming folks don't care or expect anything from outsiders. They completely fine being left alone
Other than federal funding, not wildelife related just in general, without it the state would have major issues so it needs the help of other states to even provide basic services, now if it didn’t rely on federal funding I could agree.

Can’t take 32% of your state budget from NR and say leave us alone and then on top of that have NR fund 77% of your wildlife budget.

Now residents could easily make up the 77% of the wildlife budget but no way could they make up the 32% of the states overall budged per household when there are only 650k residents, of which maybe 30-40% are none earning residents such as kids and the avg household income is 60k.
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Other than federal funding, not wildelife related just in general, without it the state would have major issues so it needs the help of other states to even provide basic services, now if it didn’t rely on federal funding I could agree.

Can’t take 32% of your state budget from NR and say leave us alone and then on top of that have NR fund 77% of your wildlife budget.

Now residents could easily make up the 77% of the wildlife budget but no way could they make up the 32% of the states overall budged per household when there are only 650k residents.
32 percent really is not that much for having to deal with the yellowstone tourists attraction.......😆 not even 650k I think we are below 600k all the California's moved back after last winter