
Pull Up Ladder to 9

4 sets, no rest
Bench- 45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Barbell Curl- 45/50/55/60 x 12
Push Up- x 15
Deadlift- 45/95/135/185 x 10/10/10/6
Pull Up- x 10
Fisio Sit Up- x 15

Bench- 5 sets of singles from 185 to 225, immediately drop to 185 for reps

DB Incline- 60s x 15
Reverse Curl- 45 x 15
Pull Up- x 15
Farmer’s Carry- 60s x 1:20
Week before last I had training, so was stuck in a hotel room all week and restricted to body weight workouts. Last week I was fishing in Oklahoma since I'm technically unemployed!! I did get some miles in hiking in the hills there though. Back on the weights for the first time in two weeks today. It felt good, but probably won't feel so good tomorrow!!
12 Days of Christmas

1 Burpee Box Jump
2 Dumbbell Thrusters (Each Arm)
3 DB Hang Clean and Jerk (Each Arm)
4 Dumbbell Overhead Lunges (Each Arm)
5 T2B or V ups
6 Pull Ups or DB Rows
7 Push Ups
8 DB Snatches Alternating Arms
9 Wall Balls (20# to 10' / 14# to 9')
10 Med Ball Cleans (20#/14#)
11 Dips
12 Manmakers

Manmakers= Push up, Plank Row (R) squat clean thruster (this equals 1 rep) Do the same on the left side and that would be rep 2
Everything with 20lb vest
Pull Up Ladder to 7

4 sets, no rest
Barbell Press- 45/95/115/135 x 10/10/10/6
DB Raises (Rear Delts/Lateral/Front)- 8/10/10/10 x 10ea
DB Shrug- 45/55/60/70s x 10
Pull Up- x 7
Decline Sit Up- x 15

2 sets, 1min rest
Arnold Press- 25s x 15
Farmer’s Carry- 70s x 1min

Checked 1 of the oldest boy’s trap lines after breakfast, presents and cleaning 2 Mtn lion skulls. Did a 4mi loop with 1870vert and 20lbs. Saw Fisher tracks. Pretty cool. Now… mama is preparing some dungeons crab, lobster and shrimp that a place in Missoula got in for the holidays. Everyone have a good Christmas dinner