
4 miles (400') with Tiny Elvis; Tiny Elvis finished out the year w/ 1318 miles, not too shabby for a little guy.
My youngest daughter got me this for the truck :D

Everything with 20lb vest on. Started with 2 Pull Up Ladders to 5 (4sec deadhang/2sec on top)

5 sets, no rest
Hanging Clean & Press- 45/95/115/125/135 x 10/10/8/6/6
Shrug- same
TRX Knees 2 Chest- x 15

3 sets
DB Arnold Press- 30/35/40/45s x 10/8/6/6
DB Shrugs- 55/60/70/70s x 10/8/6/6
DB Frog Kicks- 8 x 12

2 sets
Barbell Row- 75 x 8
Pull Up- 5, same tempo as above

2 sets Farmer’s Carry with 70s x 1min

Mid-day hike. 1400vert with 28lbs.
Drug a decoy sled about 1/2 mile out and back through mud and slop wearing waders this morning. Was heavier coming out with a limit of honkers.

Back in the gym this afternoon

10 minute alternating EMOM:
-3 snatch pulls @ 80%
-1 squat snatch @ 80% + 1 overhead squat

2 rounds for time:
-20 abmat situps
-20 power snatches @ 75#
-20 pull-ups
Pull up Ladder to 8

4 sets, no rest
Squats/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/185 x 10
Plyos (jump squats/scissor lunge/24in box jump) x 5ea
Close Grip Bench- 45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Pull Up- x 9/10/11/12
Fisio ball sit up- x 15

Squats- 6 sets of 3 at 205/225/245/265/275/295 then drop to 225
Close Grip Bench- 5 sets of singles at 195/200/205/210/215/220 then drop to 185

Hack Squat- 185 x 10
DB Walking Lunge- 40s x 10ea
Pull Up- x 23
8 minute AMRAP @ each station / 2 minute rest between stations

1) 10 Alternating DB (50#) Bench Press (5R/5L) + 10 DB (60#) bent over row (5R/5L) + 10 banded pull aparts

2) 7 cal ski + 10 alternating single leg v-ups + 10 banded bicep curls

3) 7 cal C2 bike + 70' farmers carry (2 x 70# KB)