Squirrel Master
Got in 2 miles yesterday morning, then strength training yesterday afternoon. 2 miles rucking this morning and will get in a short run after work.
Heybopush day:
warmup chest/shoulder flies 2x15 each
BB bench 10/10/10/8/6/4 + amrap 45/135/185/215/235/255 + 175
DB shoulder press 10/10/8 + amrap 60/70/80 + 45s
DB overhead tris 2x12 75
BB decline 3x8 225
cable tris
skipped the mileage tonight with tornados hitting all around us. Might be a long night.
@sahunter06 Enjoy your time with her! Be careful though, those young athletes are a lot more resilient than us "mature" athletes