
As she laid.

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Heck yeah @jmez !!!
Did my alpine combine test post scout/hunt . Was out west 8/28 to 9/20. Tag soup.

Should’ve done one right prior to leaving and one getting home thurs.Lost 10# and 2 belt notches out there. Probably last post on this thread with all the outliers on here. 10:00 of 15” box steps/40# . . Same height for box jumps

. Wk1 Wk12 6/18. Post hunt
Stepups . 126. 160. 179
Dips. 14. 31. 15
Sit ups. 18. 17. 16
Chins. 9. 11. 9
Box jump 18. 26. 24
Push up. 21. 37. 27
For time:

1 mile run
10 D-ball over shoulder 100 lbs
20 (10R/10L) KB Snatches 53 lbs
50' Handstand walk
200' D-Ball bear hug carry 100 lbs
50' Handstand walk
20 (10R/10L) KB Snatches 53 lbs
10 D-ball over shoulder 100 lbs
800m run
12 Minute Alternating EMOM:
- 45 second plank
- 3 power cleans; start @ 60%, build to a heavy set of 3 (225#)
- 45 second double-unders

3 rounds for max calories
2 minute AMRAP
10 clean & jerk 95 lbs
10 pushups
10 air squats
-max row calories in time remaining
Rest 1 minute between rounds
day off (and a beautiful day at that!)

we pushed it pretty good today, averaged a little over 3 mph w/ several tough climbs- 10 miles and 2300'

Tiny Elvis is WTF is this? :D

