
12 mile run on a crisp morning

Every 1:15 for 3 rounds-3 back squats @ 75%
Every 1:15 for 3 rounds-2 back squats @ 80%
Every 1:15 for 3 rounds-1 back squat @ 85%+

3 Minutes on 1 Minute off x 3 rounds:
20 cal echo bike
15 Toes to Bar
10 deadlifts @ 225 lbs
AMRAP box jump overs @ 30"
got 4 miles in on the trails and accompanied by my little buddy, Tiny Elvis- appears to be better, tomorrow should tell the tale
Every 2 minutes for 12 rounds (alternating)

-35 cal row
-12 pistols (L/R alt) + 12 chest to bar pullups
-AMRAP power clean/jerk @ 75% (175 lbs)

Cashout-5 rounds for time
10 push-ups
10 sit-ups
10 barbell curls
Work to heavy ish 1x5

6 rounds for time
10 pull up
8 toes to bar
6 desdlift #135
1 min rest between rds

100 burpee
Im on pace to complete the 3000 in December sitting at 1100 today

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