
6 miles on the trails with Tiny Elvis; the arrowroot is just starting to bloom, joining crocus, phlox, shooting stars and yellow bells

My 1st time doing “Capt. Tom” HeroWOD. This was not Rx as I still can’t do double unders very well so I did 2x singles. It also called for 50# db on the devils presses, but my shoulder was having none of that so I scaled down to 20’s (only other set of db’s I have). BUT, to make up for it I added in the 20# weight vest for everything. Looong one. Going to be sore from this one for sure.


You can’t cheat the mountain
Ready for the gym to open in Texas... although sound alike they've got some dumb glove rule.

Went to the track.
Quick 400m jog.
400 m as 100 m sprint, walk 100m, etc
Then put on the 60lb pack. 100m lunge. 100m bear crawl ( this sucked the life out of me with the pack)
100m walk, and then 100m front carry.
Then another 400 m walk, sprint, walk, sprint.
Luckily they have a climbing rope that's ~15ft high.
So 4 rounds
1 min rope climb, 1 min front hold squats with the pack
E4MOM for 20 mins
8 GHD sit ups
20 alternating 1 arm DB snatch 50#
20 jumping lunges with 20# med ball

These are sprints, goal is to get as much rest as possible and try to have each round faster than the last one.
Yesterday: 3 DL at the top of each minute for 15 minutes at 285 (that is all the weights I have), then 10 rounds of 3 jumps up on the tailgate of my truck followed by a 30yd sprint.

Today: shoulder press 2x3 @125, 1x4@125; weighted pull ups (palm facing) 5@25lb, 50lb, 55lb, 55lb then 11 KB swings @70lb at the top of each minute for 15 minutes.