Deadlift 15/10/8/6 135/225/275/325
Hip sled 15/12/12/12 300/350/400/450
Leg exts 15/12/12/12
Benched leg curls 4x failure
Calf press 30/25/25/20 250/310/340/340
Sprints b/t each set 4x40 yds
db barrel press 15/10/8/7 75/80/90/90
db incline flys 18/12/10/10
Heavy dips 45# 15/12/11/10
db french press 10/10/8 80#
db curls 16/12/8/15 35/40/45/25#
Rev grip pushdown 12/10/10
Lateral plate raises 15/15/15
db shrugs 25/25/15/15 70/75/80/80s
700vert hike up our normal PT hill with my light daypack and wife on a warm, super muggy day. We’re in the middle of a very wet closed low system. W MT is as green as it gets.
I'm sure hoping this buys us some time this summer, espeically with us losing our snow pack so quickly. Watched a show a couple of years ago and while there are many factors that influence how a fire season is going to play out, they said the strongest predictor is June precipitation (or lack there of)- and we're doing very good so far!