
yesterday evening 5.5 mile trail run w/ about 1200' of gain, :57; I struggled the last 15 minutes or so as it got darker faster than I thought, threw a headlamp in the truck this morning

going to try and get 5-ish in this evening

Squat find a 3 rep max

Squat as many reps as possible in 1 min. Pick your weight

5 rounds for time
3 rope climbs
15 KB goblet squats 70#
3 clean and jerk 185#
Partner WOD for time

50 cal ski erg
50 push press 115#
50 cal assault bike
50 wall balls
50 cal row
50 pull ups
50 cal row
50 wall balls
50 cal assault bike
50 push press
50 cal ski erg
yesterday evening's run, ~ 5.5 miles with 1600' of gain, saw a bunch of mule deer does and small bucks

going to try and get a short run in this evening

bagging my evening run; going to chase elk tomorrow and will get all the vert I want :D need to get my gear together and make a lunch

in lieu of the run, a quick 10 sets of 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups and 5 pull-ups
a little over 14 miles elk hunting with almost 3000' of gain- a really rough day, made rougher without a single sighting of an elk (and damn few deer!)

oh well, that's the way it goes
a 6 mile evening elk hunt Saturday w/ a big climb; 13 miles today and still no elk (at least I saw elk today!)

our local running group is doing a moonlight run tonight, unfortunately I'm too beat down :(
strength trained today

bench 5/5/5
squats 5/5/5
deadlifts 5/5/5
dips 3x20
pullups 3x10

going to the mountain with rifle tomorrow morning :)
All percentages based of 1RM

3 rds
50 air squats
7 ring muscle ups (I did 14 rung dips)
10 hang power cleans at 135#