
Yer a beast!

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No, just enjoy working out. I really like the intensity of the Crossfit programming where I attend. I also find it a pretty functional fitness program for my goals.

I guess everyone else got bored or lost interest in posting their workouts. Wish some more would participate in the thread. I like seeing what other people are doing and I also do some of the workouts that guys have posted here.
I'll try to post daily


AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

100m run

10 c2b pull ups

5 ohs 135/95



5 sets of:

power clean+front squat+2 push jerks


EMOM for 20 minutes:

2 TnG power cleans
I can start posting some workouts too. Next will be Friday.

Todays workout was :

20 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

5 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Handstand Pushups
15 Front Squats (135#)
20 Calorie Row
mine yesterday, hill repeats ~ 1000' gain (and loss) in .8 miles X 3 in 1:15:00


more relaxed 5-ish miles in the hills this evening
Bench press work toward a 1 rep max

Partner WOD
25 min AMRAP

6 rope climbs
40 Clean and Jerk 95#
30 Handstand Pushups
40 Power Snatch 95#
90 Double Unders
40 Overhead Squats 95#

Round 2 weight goes up to 115#
Round 3 135#
Round 4 155#
yesterday's run, ~ 5.5 miles, 1000' of gain 51 minutes; today going to try and get a round robin of pushups/pullups/situps

got a little round robin in of push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups in yesterday
15 sets of 20 push-ups
15 sets of 20 sit-ups
15 sets of 5 pull-ups

taking a rest day today, have a trail race tomorrow in Missoula
5 min AMRAP

150 double unders
12 thrusters 95#
12 chest to bar pull ups

5 min rest

5 min AMRAP
100 double unders
9 thrusters 115#
12 toes 2 bar

5 min rest

5 min AMRAP
50 double unders
6 thrusters 135#
12 pull ups

Only have to do the double unders once at the beginning, then the thrusters/bar stuff for the remainder of the time.
the Elk Ramble 15k race in Missoula on Saturday, just shy of 10 miles with close to 2000' of gain, finished 95 out of 312- one of my best finishes ever :)

^ cramps suck!

got in an relatively easy 5.5 mile recovery run yesterday (about a 11 minute pace), strength training on tap this evening

for time:

50 cal row

50 s2oh 75/55

50 wall balls 30/20

50 kb swings 24/16

50 pull ups
Back squat (% of 1rm)
5 sets of 4 (60%,70%,75%,80%,85%)

10 rounds @95lbs of
7 Sumo deadlift high pull
7 front squats
7 push jerks
16min cap
yesterday a little strength training

bench body weight 5/5/5
squats 1.2 of body weight 5/5/5
dead lift 1.4 of body weight 5/5/5
pullups 10/10/10
dips 20/20/20
and a general core workout

going to try and get 5-ish miles in the hills after work
AMRAP in 7 minutes:




3 sets of:

power clean+squat clean+jerk


EMOM for 10 minutes:

1 squat clean

rest 2 minutes

EMOM for 10 minutes:

1 power clean+jerk