
Deadlift 4 sets of 5

"The Chief"
5 rounds rest 1 min between rounds
3 min AMRAP
3 power cleans 135#
6 push ups
9 air squats
Front squat 5 sets 3

12 min AMRAP
200m run
15 burpees
15 toes to bar

cash out 3 rounds
10 hollow rocks
10 superman
10 heel touches
30s L sits
Death by assault bike

10 rounds
30 sec sprint on bike
rest 2 1/2 minutes

That may have been the worst 5 min of my life.
150 Wall Balls 20#

Cash out 2 rounds
20 GHD sit ups
15 hollow rocks
10 V ups
10 Back hyperextensions
20 second L sit

Stairs. 80#

Sent from my PRC-77 using Tapatalk
Back at it. Done with the elk hunt and reset for a week after that. Time to get ready for next year.

10 thrusters #115
row 100m
9 thrusters
row 200m
8 thrusters
row 300m
7 thrusters
row 400m
6 thrusters
row 500m
5 thrusters
row 600m
4 thrusters
row 700m
3 thrusters
row 800m
2 thrusters
row 900m
1 thruster
row 1000m

9 min AMRAP

9 KBS 53#
9 Burpees
9 Box Jumps
Lifting today

Clean and Jerk 5 sets of three at 75% 1 rep max
Front Squats 5 sets of 3 work to last set 90% of 1 rep max
10 reps Overhead squats

5 rounds not for time

Max effort bench press at body weight
Max effort chest 2 bar pull ups
3 min rest between rounds
5 min
30 cal assault bike
9 hang clean 95#
25 double unders

2 min rest

5 min
20 cal assault bike
then AMRAP
9 hang clean 135#
25 double unders

2 min rest

5 min
10 cal assault bike
then AMRAP
9 hang cleans 185#
25 double unders
Last Friday

Dead lift 5x3, try to work to last set as 80%-90% of 1 rep max

10min AMRAP
3 handstan push ups
6 KBS 70#
9 walking lunges with KB
Max effort double unders
Max effort ring dips

Partner "DT"
10 rounds
9 deadlift 155#
7 hang cleans 155#
5 push press/jerk 155#
Alternate rounds, one rest while other lifts
Shoulder press 5x3
Between sets 5 strict pull ups

For time
20 front squats 205#, have to take from the floor
30 box jumps 30"
40 KBS 53#
50 wall balls 20#
15 min AMRAP
20 dumbbell thrusters 50#
20 box jump overs 24"
20 cal row
20 toes to bar

Yoke walks, pick your weight and distance

300 double unders for time
Back Squat
4 reps at 78%
1 rep at 83%
4 reps at 78%
1+ reps 83%

25 min AMRAP 3 partner WOD
100 cal row
50 clean and jerk 135#
100 cal row
50 clean and jerk 155#
100 cal row
50 clean and jerk 185#
100 cal row
50 clean and jerk 205#
"Fight Gone Bad"

Wall ball 20#
HSP deadlift 75#
20" box jump
Push press 75#
Row cal

One minute at each exercise
3 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds
Back squat
4 @ 79%
1 @ 84%
4 @ 79%
1 @ 87%
4 @ 79%
1+ @ 90%

For Time
30 Ball cleans 20#
30 ring dips
30 ball cleans
30 chest to bar pull ups
30 ball cleans
30 push ups
30 ball cleans