
"death by pull up"

complete 1 pull up in the first minute

complete 2 pull ups in the second minute

complete 3 pull ups in the third minute

...continue until you cannot complete the required

number of pull ups in that minute

* If you fail before 20 minutes, cut the last completed round in

half, and continue until the 20 minute mark
today's elk hunt, still just walking my rifle :)

10 min EMOM
2 power cleans
1 push jerk

Power cleans have to be touch and go

"The Chief"
3 power cleans 135#
6 push ups
9 air squats

3 min AMRAP rest 1 minute
5 rounds
Partial rounds don't count in final score
2 rounds of:

400m run

20 squat cleans 95/65


5 sets of:

power snatch+squat snatch


EMOM for 10 minutes:

1 squat snatch

rest 2 mintes

EMOM for 10 minutes:

2 power snatch
after work

10 sets of
20 pushups
20 situps
5 pullups

going to try and get a 5-ish mile trail run in this evening
3 event team WOD at the gym.

event 1 - 15 minutes, 5 min each movement.
1rm bench
1rm clean
1rm ohs

Event 2
3 rds max effort for :30
Jumping pull ups
Pull ups
Chest 2 Bar

Event 3
3 rds for time
Station 1
10 Thrusters
15 toes to bar
Station 2
10 power cleans
Station 3
10 Front Squats
15 Bar Facing Burpees

Teams of 3
Each do 1 strength movement
1 pull up movent
1 station
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yesterday's hunt- snow made it tough on the steeper ups/down; going out for an afternoon/evening hunt later today


All working sets are As Many Reps as possible
5Min Burpee Box Jumps
5min rest
4Min Shuttle Sprints
4min Rest
3 Minutes Power Cleans
3 Minutes Rest
2 Minutes Wall Balls
2 Minutes Rest
1 Minute Toe To Bar

Core Cashout of 3x10-15 Weighted Sit ups.
got about 7 miles in Sunday afternoon/evening hunting
today strength training

bench 5/5/5
squats 5/5/5
overhead presses 5/5/5
dips 3x20
pullups 3x10
incline situps 3x30
Front squat 5 sets of 2
Pause 2s at bottom of each rep

For time
20 burpees
20 clean and jerk 135#
20 burpees
20 clean and jerk 135#
20 burpees
"Earn your Turkey"


back squat


power clean

2k row

*score is lowest working set weights added up, minus 2k time in seconds

highest number wins

"Earn your Turkey"


back squat


power clean

2k row

*score is lowest working set weights added up, minus 2k time in seconds

highest number wins


3 sets of:

power clean+front squat+jerk+back squat

5 attempts at "Bear Complex"

1 power clean

1 front squat

1 s2oh

1 back squat

1 s2oh

*may not drop the bar
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