
Incline press 3x15, 1x25
Alternating sets: weighted dips (25#) 3 sec eccentric/pause/push to seated cable flys 20-25 4 sets each
Front raises with cables 4x15-20
Tricep preacher pushdown 4x10-12
Trifecta-( French press/nose breakers/close grip press) preacher bar 4x10-15 each movement
Tues: Back/ bicep
Quick workout-had knives being tempered in oven.

Split movements
T bar bent over barbel row 20/15/12/12
T bar front pull downs 20/25/12/12

db russian deads 20/15/15/15
Seated upright rows 20/15/12/10

Rev grip bar curls 15/15/12/12
Incline db supinated curls 15/12/10/15
Poor man preacher db curl 3x25
first day after a gnarly head cold...back at it though

10 minute stretch/warmup

5x5 pull ups superset with 5x10 push ups (start with this every workout)

4x10 - barbell underhand row
4x10 - overhand KB row
4x10 - rope row
4x failure - resistant band rear delt fly

all workouts are done with 20 second rest between reps and sets to keep heart rate high
Good work Gents!

Back from the mountains. My buddy's deer tag remains unpunched (he had an opportunity at a bruiser our first trip), still might get in another trip before the general season opens.
28 miles and probably 6-7000' of gain over the 2.5 days.


Ended up not covering too many miles, but hiked 7hrs yesterday climbing over a sea of downfall with 40lbs on my back.

Lifted quick and real early this morning
Hanging Pull Up Ladder to 10

7 sets of 5. No rest, just add weights ea. set
Squat- 45/95/135/185/225/275/315 x 5
Dead- 45/95/135/205/225/225/225 x 5
Hanging pull up knees 2 chest- x 5
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