
Went a little heavier and harder on Leg day today without getting sloppy

4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Plyos- x 5ea

2 sets plyos, 5ea
36in box jump
40bs snatch to scissor lunge
35lbs front jump squats

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 375

Bench Squats (1min rest)- 295 x 15/22/9

3 sets, no rest
70lb heavy bag twirl and walking lunge- 5 of each on each side
Hack Squat- 135/185/205 x 10

The heavy bag always sucks. No rest was tough
I've got a 6 mile loop that I do fairly regularly; I've noticed there is a faint single track that continues down the main ridge where I bail off on the trail. Followed it today with Tiny Elvis and it eventually tied into a lower trail, making it a 7 mile loop :D
PT hike this morning with the entire family. Coolest morning of the fall so far. Around 750vert and 32lbs. They’re calling for 70s in the valleys through the 7-day forecast. Pretty crazy.

We’re in full blown pack and prep mode this weekend. I am hoping to be boning out a bull or 2 at this exact time a week from now…
E2mom x 10 min
2 hang clean+1 jerk - build

Every 3 min x 15 min
10 db push press right arm
10 db push press left arm
20 box step ups
Max burpee with remaining time

Rest 3 min

E3mom x 15 min
10 db hang clean right arm
10 db hang clean left arm
5 burpee box jumps
Max sit ups with remaining time

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Quick last day with weights for a while.

5 sets of 20. No rest
Bench- 45/95/135/155/175 x 20
Squat- 45/95/135/185/225 x 20
(I had to rest-pause on 175 to get 20)

Long day today… then I leave tomorrow morning to set up our base camp. I’ll hike in and set up spike camp Wednesday. I’ll be living the dream for the next 12+ days with the family.