
I got a little off schedule Thursday/Friday. Hiked several miles Friday after the early lift I posted.

Off yesterday

This morning did 680vert PT hike with 35lbs. and my youngest. Short lift after.

5 sets, no rest
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185/225 x 20
Plyos (jump squats/scissor lunges/box jumps) x 5ea

Skidder Tire Flip- 30 flips for time. 2:54
3.25 miles today in the high stuff
1300ft elev gain. The sky was amazing



Beautiful country @Cant hit em

Have as great trip @sargent !

For time:
25 cal echo bike
20 toes to bar
15 ring dips
10 snatches @ 50% (105#)
25 cal ski
20 toes to bar
15 ring dips
10 snatches @ 50% (105#)
*2 minute rest*
25 cal row
20 GHD situps
15 push ups
5 snatches @ 75% (155#)
25 cal assault runner
20 GHD situps
15 push ups
5 snatches @ 75% (155#)
4 sets, no rest
Bench-45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
DB Curl-20/25/30/35 x 12/12/12/10

2 sets Plyos
Side 2 Side Med Ball Push up- x 5ea side
Barbell Power Curl- 45 x 5

Bench- singles from 195 up to 235

2 sets, no rest
Bench- 205 x 10/10
Preacher Curl-65 x 15/15

2 sets, no rest
TRX Push Up- 15/12
Barbell Reverse Curl- 65 x 12/12

Hiked 1350vert with 35lbs. 2 steep uphill pushes with 2 steep descents. Good luck to you guys already hunting, I’ll be going before long

Single arm barbell stand press 20/15/12/10/10 90/110/120/130/135
Seated cable fly 20/20/15/15/15

db lateral static hold 1:00+ 20#
45# plate shrug 4x25 3 sec hold

Preacher pushdown 15/12/12/12
Behind neck barbell ext 12/12/12/12
Nose breakers 10/10/10/10
Close grip press 12/12/12/12

Reverse grip single arm pushdown 20/15/15/15
Good deal on the Lope @mtwarden. We didn’t draw…

Did a quicker lift early this a.m., then a fast and steep PT hike of 680vert with 28lbs mid morning.
Little stiff today, so I mixed it up a bit

Hanging Pull up ladder to 10

5 sets, no rest
Push Press- 45/95/115/135/145 x 12/10/10/10/6
Dead & Shrug- same weight/reps as above
Weighted Decline Sit Up- body/8/12/15/15 x 12

3 sets, 1min rest between super sets
Upright Barbell Row- 45/65/85 x 10
Rear Delt & Lateral DB Raises- 10s x 10ea
DB Shrug- 60s/75s/75s- 10/8/8

Farmer’s Carry with 75s for 1min
Congrats Mike on the speed goat. If you’re new knife doesn’t work out let me know.

bench pull ups 4x20
Seated row 18/10/10/12
Bent over cable row 18/12/12/10
T bar front pull down 15/10/10/12

Seated rear fly 4x15-20

Incline hang preacher curl to drag curl ( 10-15 rep per movement ) 4 sets

Hammers to incline db curl 12-15 per movement or failure 3 sets

5x5 pull ups
5x10 push ups

4x10 plate press
4x10 incline DB press
4x10 skull crusher
4x10 dips

3x20 hanging knee raise
3x30 sec plank with 30 sec rest in between


5x5 weighted pull ups
5x10 weighted push ups

5 rounds:
15 air squats
30 double unders
1-3 85% of 1RM clean

1 mile run