
Pre exhaust cable flys 2x25
Circuit sets no rest
Incline press 18/12/10/18 / cable flys 25/20/15/15
Dips 2sec eccentric 12/12/8/8 / decline close grip 15/12/12/10
Static db lateral hold 1.30 x4 / db lateral raises 20/15/15/15
Seated plate toss 4x15
Trifecta- heavy preacher pushdown/preacher French press/ nose breakers= 1 set
12/15/15 or failure
Rev grip push down 18/15/15/15
3 miles (500') with my wife and Tiny Elvis; 165 miles for the month, 1571 for the year- right on schedule :D

Pre exhaust
Front pull down 2x25

No rest 2 movement set
db single arm row 18/10/10/15 65-80
Cable lateral pull 18/12/12/15

Bent over rev cable row 15/10/10/20
High front pulldown 15/10/10/15
Seated rear flys 4x15-20

db curl 18/12/10/10
Barbell curl 4x15

Poor man cable preacher curl 20/10/10/15
Single arm cable curl 15/15/12/12
3 rounds

50 air squats
40 pushups
40 lunges
20 pullups

heading out tomorrow with a buddy for a few days, going to try again to see if we can find a big mule deer buck :) pack is a little lighter as we're only bringing one spotting scope this go round.

Tight on time today, but worked quick enough to fit a hike and lift in.

680vert PT hike with 35lbs

4 sets, no rest
Bench-45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Barbell Curl-45/45/55/65 x 12

Bench- singles from 195 up to 235

Bench- 205 x 10
Barbell Reverse Curl- 65 x 12

Incline Alternating BD Bench-60s x 12ea
Preacher Curl-65 x 15