
Every 2 minute for 12 rounds, alternating
-30 cal ski, row, bike (different machine each round)
-200m run + max squat clean thrusters @ 135#
-75 double unders + max burpee box jump overs (24")
-1 minute plank hold/1 minute rest
i would love to join this tread but have got beer in the fridge and a football match i missed so sorry.
Been out of pocket for the last few weeks. Got some DB circuits in.
Got home yesterday, went to bed early and got up at 0330 with the oldest and took his bow for a walk. 2500vert and 7mi. Got a little attention from a bull, but nothing too exciting. Saw a buck that was the perfect size to use each antler for a key chain. Perfect September day.
Wife and I did 680vert PT hike at a comfortable pace. Carried 35lbs and wore the brand new boots. Short lift afterwards to get back into barbell work.

5 sets, no rest
5 hanging pull ups
10 deep Counterbalance squats with 10lb plate

4 sets, no rest
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185 x 10
Plyos (jump squat/scissor lunge/box jump) x 5
Decline sit up- x 15
Hanging pull up- x 8

Bench Squats w/ 1 sec pause- 225/245/275 x 3

Farmer’s Carry- 75s x 90sec
Suitcase Carry- 75s x 1min
4 sets of 10 each no rest in between
45lb DB incline press
55lb goblet squats
55lb DB rows

4 sets of 15 each no rest in between
40 sec planks
reverse lunges
55 lb kettle bell deadlifts
15lb lateral raises
10 burpees (15 I would have puked)
hanging knee raises

15 min on the stair climber at 80 step per min average

I never used to workout like this. I would always lift, then rest then do the same thing. After seeing what a lot of you guys are doing it's way better. There's no down time and I am completely smoked in an hr. You can destroy your entire body instead of just doing your arms or legs. I haven't lost much weight in the last month but I can see a huge difference in how I look and I went down another belt loop.
4 sets, no rest
Bench-45/95/135/185 x 20/20/15/10
Barbell Curl-45/45/55/65 x 12

2 sets Med Ball Side to Side Plyo Push Ups/Plyos Barbell Curls

Bench- singles from 195 up to 245

2 sets, no rest
Bench- 205/205 x 10/7
Preacher Curl- 65 x 15

2 sets, no rest
Incline Alternating BD Bench-60s x 10/8
Barbell Reverse Curl-65 x 12

Farmer’s Carry- 60s x 90sec
Push Ups- 40

680vert PT hike with the wife and 35lbs.