
Back/rears/bicep. Hypertrophy

Pre exhaust 2x30 front chest pull downs

Working sets- all sets to failure
Front pull down 18/10/10/15/20
Lawn mower cable pull 20/12/12/15
Compound set- Seated low row 18/10/10/15 / reverse hypers 25/25/25/25

Poor man’s preacher with cables 15/20/20/15
Drag curls 4x20
Lying cable curl 4x15

Standing cable rear fly 4x15-20
Looks like a good workout. I wouldn't personally run with a ruck on of that weight unless I had to. But I bet that workout had you breathing good.

25 clean and jerk
80 pull ups as fast as possible
150 push ups as fast as possible
15 minutes in the sauna

That's what I did.
This guy is right, unless you really don’t like your knee joints, avoid running with a ruck, did it a bunch in the army, it’s not bueno for your body.
Power Snatches - 3x12 @ 60%
Strict T2B - 3x10
Straight leg sit-ups - 3x10

WOD - Alt EMOM12:
- Min 1 = 5 Ddb Hang Cleans, 5 Push Press (2x50# db)
- Min 2 = Ski for Calories

(91 RX)

WOD was way harder than I anticipated. The 50’s are still very heavy for me so it was a real grind and so Mental by the 3rd round to just pick the damn things up off the floor. But boy it Feels great when you push thru the misery and complete the WOD without succumbing to the temptation to drop down in weight or skip a round to catch your breath! I have the Only RX on the board this far today. Also, I just got my strict T2B a few weeks ago and man it’s nice at 48 years old to acquire new skills and knock out 30 of those.

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
2.31 mile dog walk
6x40 yard farmers carries (55# sandbags x 2)
5x12 cable flys 20-25
6 sets of decline bench press 135-275
5 sets of DB incline bench press 40-80
4x16 lateral raises 20
2x15 front raises 12.5-15

Last night 30 arrows from 30-50 yards. I reached my goal of 3k arrows before elk season! 3015 currently
BenchPress - 4x10 @ 60% plus 1 set of Max reps @ 60%

Russian Twists - 3x20 (EC)

WOD - For Time (12min cap):
- 40 Front Squats (135/95#)
- Beginning with, and EMOM, 100 meter sprint

(8:53 RX)

Another one that I had to really push myself to get thru. The heat is almost unbearable down here. I knew if I could do at least 4 reps each minute then I wouldn’t get time capped. Around minute 6 it got bad. I started seeing other guys skipping the run or cutting it to 50m…. No time to drop weight, but it was so tempting to follow suit and “take a minute off” to catch my breath and get my HR down. Man it feels good when you push all the way thru a tough one. Score isn’t great but I’m really proud of it. (Also I went 16 reps on the max set of bench and I’m proud of that one too!)

Then 24 arrows at 36 yards, mixed in some BH this time now that I’ve finally got things dialed. Hopefully no more adjustments. looked good at 35 and will start walking it back over the next week.

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
23 Minute AMRAP:
-800m run/1000m row/1000m bike/1000m ski (alternate machine each rd)
-10 hang power cleans 135# (rx was 185#)
-10 push jerks 135#
-3 rope climbs

That one looks TOUGH, (and impossible to do RX)! Jeez! I’d have a full 14 minutes tied up just getting through all the meters and AT LEAST another 3 minutes per round (12 total) of lifting (at 135#, no way at 185#) and ropes…. Then I’d have to add in another 5-10 minutes for my translations and water breaks…. +3 minutes of chalking my hands…. ZERO chance I’d finish that. Nice work!

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
Split Jerks - 12x3@ 60%

Deadlifts - 5 @ 55/65/75%

- 30 lunges (EC)
- 30 KB Swings (62#)
- 30 sit-ups
- 3 Rope Climbs

(352 RX)


Split Jerks are not my friend. But I don’t really work on them that much so that’s probably why.

Then some Handstand walking practice after class

18 arrows at 46 yards

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
lifting (at 135#, no way at 185#) and ropes…. Then
It was a good one and sweaty one for sure. You only had to do 1 x 1000m machine or 800m run each round, you just had to alternate each time and not stay on the same machine. I finished 3 full rds and had 500m ski done on my 4th rd when time expired. I had 1 buddy strong enough to do rx weight but most of us did 135#.