
Endurance week is finally over! This was a tough week. Not just long WOD’s (40 min), but also really tough. Today was an interesting partner WOD to finish it off.

For Time:
in Teams of 2, complete 100 reps of each movement. 1 partner works/1 Partner Holds
- Front Squats (115/75#), Plank Hold
- Box Jumps (24/20”), Wall Sit
- Burpees, Bar Hang
- Ball Slams (20/15#), Handstand Holds

(28:00 RX)
It didn’t pay off to have a slow partner today (I was the slow partner). I’d never done a bar hang in a workout before and I was surprised how hard it was to breathe. So glad this week is over. Next week starting a new strength program on Olympic lifts.

Then 10 arrows at 99 yards. (it’s So satisfying when you sink your first one!)


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4 sets every :90 building
1 squat clean + 2 front rack lunges

Partner wod for time
400m run together

8 rds
1 hang squat clean #135
10 burpee over bar
10 wall ball
8 front rack lunges #135

400m run

Partner 1 does a round partner 2 rest then switch

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3.19 mile dog walk this morning

Then went and shot a 3d shoot. Hadn’t done one of those in years and I always estimate yardage then range to practice…man it was brutal! I was routinely guessing about 2-7 yards off all day!

40 targets from 20-88 yards. Everything from 60 and in I was very pleased with. Ended up shooting about 65 arrows today and hiking just under 4.5 miles with 876 ft elevation gain.
Power Clean - 12 sets of 3 @ 60%

Strict press - 5 reps @ 55/65/75%

(2, 4, 6, 8…)
- Box Step ups (50/35#, 24/20”)

(57, Scaled down to chest2bar)

Then roughly 40 arrows (total) at 60,70,80,90,100,110 yds

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
3.5 mile ruck 60# pack. 500 feet elev change

Incline press 15/10/8/6/18/20 #155/205/205/235/155/115
Barrel press 4x15/ failure #45
Weighted dips #25 4x failure

Incline db static hold 3 sets
Incline reverse db Arnold press 4x15-20
db lateral raises 3x20

Cable skull crusher (3 sec eccentric) 3x20
Compound set 10/15/20/failure
Single arm cable extension 3x failure
3.5 mile ruck 60# pack. 500 feet elev change

Incline press 15/10/8/6/18/20 #155/205/205/235/155/115
Barrel press 4x15/ failure #45
Weighted dips #25 4x failure

Incline db static hold 3 sets
Incline reverse db Arnold press 4x15-20
db lateral raises 3x20

Cable skull crusher (3 sec eccentric) 3x20
Compound set 10/15/20/failure
Single arm cable extension 3x failure

I had to look up what a barrel press was. Good stuff

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle