

@FlyGuy early morning workout in a fasted state. It helps burn additional fat in a fasted state. I didn’t eat for another 4 hours after my workout. Just a had coffee and water. Total fast was 16 hours.
On the days when I ruck in the morning, I’ll eat afterwards, that’s a still a 14 hour fast. Then hit gym after work.

Back/ biceps/ rear delt
Pre exhaust
Front pull downs 2x25
T Bar pull-ups 16/14/12/10
Front pull downs 20/10/10/15
db bent over row 20/15/15/25 70/75/75/55
Good mornings 3x25

Hanging single arm db curls 20/15/15/10 25/20/20/20
Hammer curls 15/15/15/25 25/25/25/15#
Single arm standing horizontal cable curl
4x failure 22-12.5#
^ looks like fun :)

4 miles with my wife and TE this morning; packed up for the Sierra's- fly out tomorrow, will be back in 10 days :D

I was sore getting into bed last night, this endurance week has been Hell. When I woke up I decided that I needed to listen to my body and take a rest day. I looked at the WOD that was programmed and I couldn’t even imagine how miserable it would be even on my best day.

But… as I got moving around more I decided I should do some “active recovery”, so I threw my weight vest and hiking boots in the car and figured I go and do some slow stairmaster miles at the YMCA while watching elk hunts on YouTube and soaking in the A/C.

But… after I dropped my little guy off at his day camp I was having second thoughts. I Got on the phone with family member for the drive back and when I hung up I realized my truck was parked at the CrossFit gym. “I’ll just take it easy and go at 50-60%” is what I told myself.


Pre-Workout - 4 Rounds of:
- Single Leg DL - 5R/5L (44#KB)
- 10 Alt DB Plank Rows (50/60/70/70#)
- 10 weighted sit-ups (25# plate)

WOD - For Time:

EMOM2 until 150/120 Calories
- 10 Alt Single Arm db Snatches (50/35#)
- HS Walk or 2 Wall-Walks
- Ski for Calories
Maximum of 12 x 2 min rounds

(Time capped at 93 cal) I can’t HS Walk (yet) so the RX was never really an option, but I made it thru 6 (half) of the rounds using the RX weight - which was 4-5 rounds more than I thought I could. I dropped to a 35# db for the 2nd half.

Then 28 arrows at 88 yards.

This always feels nice:


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@mtwarden have a great trip

Hypertrophy workout
Pre exhaust sets 2x25 3 sec eccentric
Standing cable flys

High incline bench 15/15/10/8/8 #135/165/195/210/210
Medicine ball diamond push ups 4x failure (12-15)
db Barrel press 15/15/12/10/15 #35/50/60/60/45

db lat raises 4 x failure minimum 15 reps

Cable nose breakers 4x20/failure
Rev grip nose breakers 3x20-failure
Single arm horizontal exts 3x failure
Woke up fatigued and should have done a rest day.

2.31 mile dog walk before gym
5 sets of DB incline benchpress 35-80#
5 sets of DB lateral raises 15-20#
4 sets of SH landmine shoulder press 25-55#
4x16 oblique extensions
25:00 in the sauna

Last night 16 arrows from 20-40 yards (2850 YTD)
Every 90 seconds for 6 rounds:
1 power clean + 2 push press
drop bar
1 power clean + 2 split jerks
(Build to a heavy set)

For time:
40 cal echo bike
10 single arm (R) DB snatches (50#)
10 single arm (R) DB shoulder to overhead (50#)
10 single arm (L) DB snatches (50#)
10 single arm (L) DB shoulder to overhead (50#)
40 cal row
I was worried about this one….

WOD - “Glen” For Time:
- Grace (30 C&J 135/95#)
- 1 mile Run
- 10 rope climbs
- 1 mile run
- 100 Burpees
40min Cap

(Time capped at 35 burpees, RX)

This one was rough. To start, this was my first time to attempt Grace with the RX weight. I finished that portion in 6:14; which I was happy with as I was hoping to do it in 7 or less. But the Heat on the runs absolutely crushed me. I was at 9 minutes on the first mile, already about a minute off my typical time. I was hoping to complete the rope climbs in 4’ish minutes but I really stalled after number 6 and it took me 6:30 to wrap them up. So now I’m at 22:00; about 2 minutes off the pace I need. I’m hurting pretty bad at this point but I’m still thinking I have a chance. I was wrong, I had ZERO chance. The next mile run was the hardest of my entire life. It took all I had just to keep my feet moving. On the second lap my left shoe came untied and I was SO HAPPY to stop in the shade for :20 to re-tie. I didn’t think that mile would ever end, 11 minutes. I started the 100 burpees with 33:00 on the clock; but this is about the time I began to feel my soul trying to leave my body. In the first minute I only managed THREE burpees. I walked to the bathroom and stuck my head in the sink to run water over my head and face for a while trying to cool my body temp down. That seemed to help me maintain a somewhat firm grip on my consciousness. I was at rock bottom but I gave it everything I had left until the clock mercifully expired 5 minutes later. God Im glad this week is over.

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I was worried about this one….

WOD - “Glen” For Time:
- Grace (30 C&J 135/95#)
- 1 mile Run
- 10 rope climbs
- 1 mile run
- 100 Burpees
40min Cap

(Time capped at 35 burpees, RX)

This one was rough. To start, this was my first time to attempt Grace with the RX weight. I finished that portion in 6:14; which I was happy with as I was hoping to do it in 7 or less. But the Heat on the runs absolutely crushed me. I was at 9 minutes on the first mile, already about a minute off my typical time. I was hoping to complete the rope climbs in 4’ish minutes but I really stalled after number 6 and it took me 6:30 to wrap them up. So now I’m at 22:00; about 2 minutes off the pace I need. I’m hurting pretty bad at this point but I’m still thinking I have a chance. I was wrong, I had ZERO chance. The next mile run was the hardest of my entire life. It took all I had just to keep my feet moving. On the second lap my left shoe came untied and I was SO HAPPY to stop in the shade for :20 to re-tie. I didn’t think that mile would ever end, 11 minutes. I started the 100 burpees with 33:00 on the clock; but this is about the time I began to feel my soul trying to leave my body. In the first minute I only managed THREE burpees. I walked to the bathroom and stuck my head in the sink to run water over my head and face for a while trying to cool my body temp down. That seemed to help me maintain a somewhat firm grip on my consciousness. I was at rock bottom but I gave it everything I had left until the clock mercifully expired 5 minutes later. God Im glad this week is over.

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Nice work, looks like a good workout, I’ll have to try it sometime.