
Been out of pocket for several weeks. Looking through some of the previous posts, everyone has been busy. I’ll be easing back into the weights this week

This a.m. gained 680ft. on a hike with 40lbs. Followed with plenty of dynamic warm up and stretching

Warm up Pull Up Ladder to 7

Squat- 45/95/135/185 x 12
Calf Raise- same
Plyos- jump squats/scissor lunges/box jumps x 5
Pull Up-x 7
Decline sit up- x 12
Hiked with the family and pup
Thursday -Saturday


drank beer yesterday and trained the pup after weekend mood above
Squat 3x3
Bench 3x3

5 minutes EMOM armor series (below), with a decently heavy KB:
2 offset KB cleans
1 offset KB snatch to overhead squat
3 single arm kb deadlift
switch sides and repeat

repeat above, but with 2 KBs together instead of offset that total more weight than I used before, E30sOM
Been out of pocket for several weeks. Looking through some of the previous posts, everyone has been busy. I’ll be easing back into the weights this week

This a.m. gained 680ft. on a hike with 40lbs. Followed with plenty of dynamic warm up and stretching

Warm up Pull Up Ladder to 7

Squat- 45/95/135/185 x 12
Calf Raise- same
Plyos- jump squats/scissor lunges/box jumps x 5
Pull Up-x 7
Decline sit up- x 12
@InkedElkSlayer Welcome back.
3x 8 strict press
X10 wlevated heel close stance goblet squats

Sneaky Grinder right here

Every 3 min x 5 sets
5 push press #135
15 box jumps
20 wall ball ( try for unbroken or big junks)

Rest with what times left of the 3 min

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Pre exhaust 2 x25-30 rev grip front pull down

No rest
Compound sets: Rev grip front pull down/
Barbell single arm bent over row 20/12/12/18
Suicides 6x40yds after each set
Compound sets: Bent over cable preacher bar row 20/15/12/12
rev hypers 4x25
Suicides 6x40yds
Seated rear delts 4x20 failure
Suicides 6x40yds
Barbell curls 18/12/12/12 45/65#
db hammers 18/15/15/15 30/25/20#
standing dc 2x15 45#