Thanks for the info guys.
Today I had some calories for breakfast, I knew this WOD was going to be extra…
4x10 of
- strict pull-ups
- weighted dead bugs (45 plate)
- weighted side bends (53# KB)
5 x AMRAP4 w/ 2 min rest between rounds:
- 28 Thrusters (95/65#), 28 KB swings (53/35#), DU for reps
- 24 Thrusters (105/75#), 24 KB swings,
DU for reps
- 20 Thrusters (125/85#), 20 KB swings, DU for reps
- 16 Thrusters (135/95#) 16 KB swings, DU for reps
- 12 Thrusters (155/105#) 12 KB swings, DU for reps
(I used the Ladies RX thruster weight and it still damn near killed me.)
Then 20 arrows at 29 yards
- 9 x Draw and hold :25 each
- 11 kneeling
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