
This is “Endurance Week” at my gym.

WOD - CFTC Tri -For Time:

- 2500m Row
- 5000m Bike
- 2400m Run

(34:42 RX)

I did this one at the 10am class today and damn was it brutal. The 1.5 mile run portion was in full sun on white concrete and just miserable. Heat index was 98 with 65% humidity.

Then 24 arrows at 62 yards.

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“Endurance Week” continues, but I sorta like these longer WOD’s and they don’t typically have weights that are outside of my range.

Pre workout
- 500m ski
- 1000m bike
- 40 step ups (24”) w/ Vest (20#)
- 5 min DU practice

WOD - For Time:

1 Round of:
- 40 Single Arm Devils Presses (50#)

2 Rounds of:
- 30 sit-ups
- 30 Burpees

3 rounds of:
- 20 Alternating Single Leg V-Ups
- 20 box Jumps (24”)

4 rounds of:
- 10 T2B
- 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24”)

(34:16 RX, which currently has me sitting in 3rd place on the board with 2 classes left to go…might make the podium today! Haha!)

Post Workout:
- 1 mile jog with 20# Vest

18 arrows at 46 yards.
All shots wearing a 20# Vest (pack belt is at kifaru getting repaired so the vest is the best I could do)
I tried to experiment a little today.
- 6 normal
- 6 with fully extended stabilizer (crossroads) it did have a 2-3” lower POI, btw
- 6 kneeling

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Any of you guys do fasted cardio? I’ve been experimenting with it lately, basically not eating breakfast before I do CrossFit and eating my first meal late morning. I started fasting until 10am, right now I’m going until noon. It did seem to make a difference and I dropped some lbs fairly quickly w/o making any other changes.

I really didn’t feel a difference in performance while I was doing 6am workouts, and it didn’t bother me when I had to move to 8:30am. But, this week I have a weird schedule and The only time I can make it to the gym is at 10am. Doing the workout near the very end of the fast does seem to have an impact. I just don’t feel like I have as much gas (which, I guess I don’t). So, I may have to go back to eating something around 9-9:30. Or, maybe that means I’m really burning through some fat that I need to lose?

Anyway, I know that’s not the topic here but I’m curious if anyone has insight to give. Feel free to PM me if it takes the thread too far off track.

Have a good one gents.

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this was a fasted effort :)

got up early and decided to hit Red Mountain- 5 miles round trip and just under 2000' of gain in the first half- steep!; we ate breakfast at the top, even brought a couple of small thermos's of coffee :D



2 miles today with my son and Roxy the hiker dog.

@FlyGuy, I don't eat breakfast and tend to do most of my hiking in the morning (fasted state). It's definitely not the way to set a new PR (or maybe make the podium at the crossfit gym) but it seems to train my body to be metabolically flexible (able to burn carbs or fat for energy depending on what's available) and helps to maintain a healthy weight. Basically, I want my body to burn up all of yesterday's food before I start eating again today. On tough hunts or backpacking trips, I eat breakfast and start snacking every couple of hours from mid-morning on. This is what works for me, ymmv.
@FlyGuy I don't ever eat before I go to the gym in the mornings, I don't like the feeling of working out hard with food in my stomach. On the rare occasions I work out later in the day, it's a different story.

10 Minute alternating EMOM:
-5 deadlifts @ 75% (300#)
-10 ring dips + 10 second top of dip hollow body hold

3 rounds for time:
-10 front squats @ 155# (from the ground)
-15 cal row
-20 toes to bar
Uphill Athlete has several good articles on fasted exercise. More to the benefit of developing the ability to burn fats over longer periods of time- a real benefit for endurance events (like much of hunting :)).

They recommend- morning fasts (and morning exercise); nothing too strenuous ( Zone 2-ish stuff) and nothing too long- two hours and less.

Our hike yesterday was roughly one and a half hours to the top- Zone 2/occasionally bumping 3 and I felt just fine. I will say that breakfast tasted extra good at the top :D

4 miles (700') this morning with my wife and Tiny Elvis- beating the heat!
Thanks for the info guys.

Today I had some calories for breakfast, I knew this WOD was going to be extra…

4x10 of
- strict pull-ups
- weighted dead bugs (45 plate)
- weighted side bends (53# KB)

5 x AMRAP4 w/ 2 min rest between rounds:

- 28 Thrusters (95/65#), 28 KB swings (53/35#), DU for reps
- 24 Thrusters (105/75#), 24 KB swings,
DU for reps
- 20 Thrusters (125/85#), 20 KB swings, DU for reps
- 16 Thrusters (135/95#) 16 KB swings, DU for reps
- 12 Thrusters (155/105#) 12 KB swings, DU for reps

(I used the Ladies RX thruster weight and it still damn near killed me.)

Then 20 arrows at 29 yards
- 9 x Draw and hold :25 each
- 11 kneeling

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