
You going this August? If that’s the case, definitely include some rucking. I like to approach rucking before hunting season like everything else. Progress steadily, but slowly (both with the weight in the pack and duration)

I find a day rucking with a pack, followed by a day w/o a pack and repeating this sequence works best for me.
Started out with a long sandbag warm up and then 15 min of work on each skill:
- butterfly Pull-up drills
- handstand balance/walking
- Double Unders

WOD - “Captain Tom”

10x Rounds For Time:
- 30 Lunges
- 4 Devils Press (50/35#)
- 19 Air Squats
- 20 DU

Buy-Out = 100 Burpees


This one ended my 11 day RX streak. The devils presses were just out of my league. I did a handful with a pair of 50’s and it felt like a really bad idea to continue, like I was just asking for a month of lower back pain. I dropped to a pair of 35’s (ladies RX) which felt about right for me in this one. This one isn’t that “hard”, but it’s very long and then the 100 burpee buyout is a mindf%ck.

Also, DU are my nemesis. I struggled thru them in each round, mostly one stupid DU at a time. I don’t know if any of you have ever lost a skill, but it is incredibly frustrating. I learned them during Covid and it felt like such a huge accomplishment, but I lost them after my heart surgery (along with several other skills like T2B, etc). I’ll keep working at it and eventually I’ll get them back again but Dammit it drives me crazy to go backwards. Ok, bitch session is over.

Have a great weekend gentlemen, enjoy your rest day! I know I will! See you back here Monday!

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Few miles yesterday with the pup in the high country , wild flowers are in full bloom , amazing colors

Today was a grinder

5 rounds
24 dubs
19 toes to bar
2 clean and jerks #225
400m run

You going this August? If that’s the case, definitely include some rucking. I like to approach rucking before hunting season like everything else. Progress steadily, but slowly (both with the weight in the pack and duration)

I find a day rucking with a pack, followed by a day w/o a pack and repeating this sequence works best for me.
Yes sir, when you say rucking, do you mean at a jog or just hiking with weight? I've been slowly increasing the amount of time, but I really only have 1 good slope locally to go up and down so I just increase the time at that location.
Good deal!

Hiking- running with pack much over 15-20 lbs is not a good idea :)

I would (slowly) increase both the weight and duration; my preference is not every day- rather every other day with a weighted pack

If you can find some uneven terrain use it as well and if the slope you're using is suitable- some side-hilling too
Gotcha, I'm still trying to find the sweet spot in getting better quickly, but not overtraining. I've been keeping the pace low to help minimize the chance of an injury.
It's so flat here I don't have issues rucking longer distances.
I think my ability to gain elevation and side hill will be what limits me on the mtn.
Right now up and down the hill at a slow pace for an hour non stop with 40 lbls is not an issue. I'm shooting for 2 hrs with 60 by the time I leave, not sure if that is too low of a goal...
^ That sounds pretty close. Personally I only ruck up to 60# (start at 30#, then 45# and finish with 60#)- cuts down on the chance of injury and feel it's more than adequate to strengthen all the small accessory muscles/tendons/ligaments for hauling meat.

I've never had any trouble hauling heavier loads out by following that; not saying I didn't experience some suck, but no trouble :D
Awesome! Do you shoot for any specific distance, elevation gain or time.under load per week when doing your final prep? I know you put in some insane miles over the year.
Awesome! Do you shoot for any specific distance, elevation gain or time.under load per week when doing your final prep? I know you put in some insane miles over the year.

I'll try and mix it up. Some shorter hikes with a lot of elevation gain, medium hikes with a variety of terrain and try to get one longer hike during the week (8-10 miles). This is over a six week period before hunting season, two weeks with each weight- going up every two weeks.

There are a ton of variations posted out there, but I think consistency, slow incremental increase in weight and duration, variety of terrain and rest/easy days are the keys.
7.5 mile loop, over 2000vert, with the wife and youngest. Climbed a peak, hit several cirque basin lakes and was able to glass several ridges.

On the topic of cardiovascular and muscular base or foundation… this hike was an emotional victory for my wife. She blew out her knee in February. Could do basically nothing for over 2 months waiting for swelling and fluid buildup to go down prior to surgery. Now she’s 2.5 months post surgery. This was a significant step up in distance and vertical from what hikes she’s been doing. Felt tired, but really good. We’re lucky enough to have a steep 680ft. climb out our back door that you can do a few times a week at an uncomfortable pace and/or with uncomfortable weight. Then we can pick longer hikes without a lot of drive time. The huckleberry crop this year is going to be HUGE.
7.5 mile loop, over 2000vert, with the wife and youngest. Climbed a peak, hit several cirque basin lakes and was able to glass several ridges.

On the topic of cardiovascular and muscular base or foundation… this hike was an emotional victory for my wife. She blew out her knee in February. Could do basically nothing for over 2 months waiting for swelling and fluid buildup to go down prior to surgery. Now she’s 2.5 months post surgery. This was a significant step up in distance and vertical from what hikes she’s been doing. Felt tired, but really good. We’re lucky enough to have a steep 680ft. climb out our back door that you can do a few times a week at an uncomfortable pace and/or with uncomfortable weight. Then we can pick longer hikes without a lot of drive time. The huckleberry crop this year is going to be HUGE.
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Beautiful country and congrats to your wife on that accomplishment.
60# 1.5 mi ruck this morning with 80 relative humidity. Breathing in a paper bag but still got in done. Added more vertical distance to this one.

Incline barbell 5x18/10/10/6/10/15 135-225#

Compound set 4 rounds to failure each set db barrel press failure 25#/one arm vert press barbell 65#/dips (3 sec eccentric)

db lateral raises 4x20
db skull crushers 4x15 failure 20-25#
Rev grip single arm cable kick back 4x15 failure
One arm lateral extension 3x15

Have a great July 4th men.
“Hot Shots 19”, For Time:

6 Rounds of:
- 15 Box Jumps (24/20”)
- 19 Power Cleans (135/95#)
- 7 Strict Pull-ups
- 400m Run


I Completed 3 Rounds RX in 24:14, but on the last few Power cleans I felt a pull in my right flute that just kept getting worse. Pretty sure it’s my piriformus. It’s been tight before but this was new. I got straight on a foam roller and have ice on it now. Hopefully nothing serious, feels better now but We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

18 arrows at 46 yards

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