7.5 mile loop, over 2000vert, with the wife and youngest. Climbed a peak, hit several cirque basin lakes and was able to glass several ridges.
On the topic of cardiovascular and muscular base or foundation… this hike was an emotional victory for my wife. She blew out her knee in February. Could do basically nothing for over 2 months waiting for swelling and fluid buildup to go down prior to surgery. Now she’s 2.5 months post surgery. This was a significant step up in distance and vertical from what hikes she’s been doing. Felt tired, but really good. We’re lucky enough to have a steep 680ft. climb out our back door that you can do a few times a week at an uncomfortable pace and/or with uncomfortable weight. Then we can pick longer hikes without a lot of drive time. The huckleberry crop this year is going to be HUGE.
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