
Lighter day today

- 3 Pull-up Negatives

Strict Press - 3x5 @ 85% (110#)
Toe-2-Bar - 4x10

WOD - AMRAP10: (2, 4, 6, 8, 10….)
- DB Alternating Plank Rows (50#)
- Jumping Lunges
- Push-ups

(228 RX, thru rd of 14 + 12 reps)

Then 4 hours at the archery range completely resetting pins from 20-120 yds.

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4 miles with my wife; my planned swim was cut short

Friday- Tris/Back/Abs

Warm up Hanging Pull up ladder to 10
5 sets
Close Grip Bench-45/95/135/185/205
DB bent over rows-20/25/30/35/40 x 10
Weighted Pull up- x 5, 21 on last w/o weight
Weighted Overhead Fisio Sit Ups-10 x 10

3 sets
Deadlift-135/185/205 x 10
Dip-body x 21
Weighted overhead sit up- 12s x 12

Feeling much better today. Gonna wonder around spraying weeds and do a 1-1.5mi walk up the road with the recovering wife. May try a little more of a hike tomorrow morning. Knee surgeries and Corona, Yee haw
This morning cut a new trail through the black berries, ferns and under brush to a new stand site...0.92 miles. RT after wandering around 2.0 miles total.

Walking the dogs here in a few minutes for another 3 ish miles.

Got in a 3.19 mile walk with them last night. Shot 20 arrows from 20-50 yards with BHs.
Deadlifts 3x5 @ 85%

WOD - 3x Rounds For Time:

- 25 Wall Balls (20/14#
- 10 Clean & Jerks (135/95#)
- 25 Wall Balls
- 10 Snatches

20 min timecap

(DNF. Completed 2 rounds + 13 WB. I did everything RX except the snatches at 95#. I should have done this one ladies RX across the board. There was a whole lot of standing around and looking at the bar for me in this one.)

Then 20 min of DU and HS practice at home.

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I definitely have not been doing anything intense. What have you been doing in regards to HR? I just did an easy mile walk with my wife above our house. I can tell you I wouldn’t want to try to hike arduously right now.
I slowed down with my workout pace. Rested 1:00 between sets.
I thought it was going good until my heart started racing over 200/min. That’s when I knew to slow it down. Weird thing was that I wasn’t going hard at all. Just be cognizant of it.
Thursday legs with sumo dead lifts. That got my heart going but my pace started consistent.

Incline db 5x20/15/10/10/20 70-80#s, 50#
Barrel press db 4x15
Decline smith 20/10/10/15/20 135-185# still tell I’m weak from Rona
Lateral db static hold 1:00 3 sets
db lateral raises 3x failure 15/20/10#

Cable 1/2 pushdowns top/bottom 4x20

Cable one arm standing skull crushers 4x failure
Friday- Tris/Back/Abs

Warm up Hanging Pull up ladder to 10
5 sets
Close Grip Bench-45/95/135/185/205
DB bent over rows-20/25/30/35/40 x 10
Weighted Pull up- x 5, 21 on last w/o weight
Weighted Overhead Fisio Sit Ups-10 x 10

3 sets
Deadlift-135/185/205 x 10
Dip-body x 21
Weighted overhead sit up- 12s x 12

Feeling much better today. Gonna wonder around spraying weeds and do a 1-1.5mi walk up the road with the recovering wife. May try a little more of a hike tomorrow morning. Knee surgeries and Corona, Yee haw
Man you’re getting after it. I’m about 75% now.
Spraying for weeds and bush hogging at the farm. It’s a cool 97 today gents
Nice easy hike into a little mountain lake that’s below a mulie spot we’ve been wanting to glass. Covered in fog of course. My wife is 8 weeks post- ACL and double meniscus surgery. So this was the first actual hike in the woods over decent terrain for her. 3mi, 800vert. On the drive out we detoured long enough for me, the wife and the youngest to get enough morels for our marinating back strap that I’m cooking on our fire pit tonight. Saw a little bear as well. Pretty good afternoon.E7DBB304-67E8-48EC-9585-8F02FDF425F8.jpeg