
InkedElkSlayer: I appreciate the response and totally agree with you about seeing everyone push themselves in the name of better health and better hunting. It’s great to see a thread where it’s supportive and not about egos.

I gave up social media and all other hunting websites a few years ago as I didn’t enjoy people trying to show off and one up each other.

I simply enjoy moving heavy weight(for me, not your warm up sets) 😂 and I’m feeling stronger at 46 then I did in my later 30s. It’s a good feeling knowing we’re not in the typical physical condition of most men our ages
Got in 3 workouts last night as part of the age group (old farts) online quarterfinals for the Crossfit games. I have 2 more workouts left, probably knock one out tonight and the last one tomorrow morning. I have no realistic chance of making it out of this round but it's fun to be a part of.

Workout 4: (did this one first while I was fresh)
30 minutes to establish 1 rep max in:
-back squat
-strict shoulder press
Have to be completed in that order, you get 3 chances at each lift

Workout 1:
3 rounds for time:
-20 toes to bar
-20 alternating dumbbell snatches 70 lbs
10 minute time cap

Workout 2:
For time:
50 overhead squats 95 lbs
40 bar facing burpees
40 back rack lunges 95 lbs
30 bar facing burpees
30 power cleans 95 lbs
20 bar facing burpees
20 alternating single leg squats (pistols)
10 ring MU

20 minute time cap
Last night got in a 2.70 mile dog walk. Then 28 arrows from 20-40 yards.

Mixture of body groups today, everything except legs

Incline DB bench press 35,45,55,65,80(3)
Lateral raises 15,20# (12-15 reps) 6 sets
Front raises 25-35# (10-15 reps) 5 sets
Tricep extensions and bicep curls (10-12 reps) 5 sets
Bent over fly's 15-20# (10-12 reps) 4 sets
Posterior delt rows 80# (10-12 reps) 4 sets
Obliques twists (15 rep each side) 3 sets
Military DB press 25-35# (10--15 reps) 5 sets

If weather is decent tonight, hoping to get another dog walk in after work.
Arm day. Hate arms but I feel it's a necessary evil.

100 cal air bike warm up.

Quad set. Triceps rope pushdowns/hammer curls, incline pushups/plate curls.

SS close grip BB bench/neutral grip pullups, 6x10,10,8,8,6,6.

SS db scull crushers/db spider curls 4x15-25.

SS overhead single arm rope extensions/heavy BB curls 3 second negative.

3 rounds
1/2 mile farmers walks with 2 #70 kettlebells.
Active rest 3 min with 2 min plank from a pushup position.

Started raining on my second round
Friday- Tris/Back/Abs
Warm up Hanging Pull up ladder to 10

6 sets
Close Grip Bench-45/95/135/185/205/215
DB Row-40/45/55/60/85/85
Toes 2 Bar-10

3 sets, no rest
Deadlift-185 x 21/15/9
Hanging Pull Up- 21/15/9
Dip-45 x 21/15/9

3 sets, no rest
1-arm barbell snatch-45/65/65 x 5ea arm
Farmer’s Carry-85s
Abs- Frog Kick on Bench x 20

Everyone appears to be upping their game…
Triple J- That’s Bad Ass. OH squats are my Kryptonite. I hate them. Now I have to do them next week
Man, after about two weeks of temperatures in the high 40s and nothing but sun, the snow is really starting to melt around here on the south facing slopes. I still was glad I brought the snow shoes though, because they came in handy for about a half a mile that I otherwise would’ve been post holeing. I probably didn’t need the hand cannon though because I didn’t see anything, or cut a single bear track. Just a little over 5 miles and about 3000’ elevation gain.

Friday legs
Good to hear the feedback from this thread. I think we all enjoy pushing our limits in the off season to enjoy hunting season more because of being in shape. At least for 51.

Get after it.
Warm up
2x30 leg exts

Smith reverse barbell lunge 155/155/155/95

Leg press ( quads close )
Lying leg curls

Leg day.

Warmup. 100 cal air bike maintain 271 watts. Foam roll and hip/back extensions bw squats.

KB #18,26,35 and 44 x4 Bulgarian split squats with a drop set all the way down and a 10 second iso hold at the bottom.

SSB squats. 10,10,8,8,6 and 2 short of failure ( got 9 ).

SSB Hatfield squats 25,20,15 and 10.

GHD glute ham raise. 3x8/1x to failure.

BB RDL 20,15,12 and 10.

KB ladder swings.
21-15-9 with #97,124 and 150.
All the way up and back down.