
4 warm up sets Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos
45/95/135/185 x 15

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 365

Squats- 225 for 51 reps for time… 2:45

Burpee Push Up (4) & DB Step Up-40s x (1ea. leg) for time
Total of 100 push ups and 25 step ups ea. leg

3 sets, no rest
1-arm Barbell Deadlift-95x5ea. side
Farmer’s Carry-85s
Fisio Sit Up-25
4x18/10/10/15 failure
Incline db press 75/80/90/60#
db barrel press
db seated decline fly
Dips to failure
6x40yd suicide between each set

Reverse grip barbell press 135/155/185/135
db nose breakers
lateral raise static hold to failure reps
Single arm iso pushdown ( lateral head)
db shrugs 4x20 70# 2 sec concentric hold
DB Curl-20/25/30/35

Bench- singles from 205 up to 265

3 sets, drop set on last
Bench- 225, 230, 235/205
Preacher Curl- 65/75/85

3 sets, high reps
Incline Barbell Bench-135/135/145
Reverse Barbell Curl-45/55/65

3 sets
TRX Push Up-20/20/10 (2-2-2 tempo on last)
Farmer’s Carry-85s

2.5mi hill run mid-morning, 400vert
Warm up pull ups, 5 sets of 5

8 sets. No break
Seated DB OH Press-20/25/30/35/40/45/55/60
Dead & Shrug- 45/95/135/185/195/205/215/225
Pull Up-10
Decline Weighted Sit Up-10lbs x 15

Couple min. rest putting weights away

Ran through finisher with no rest…
Full Dumbbell Clean&Press (floor 2 OH)-35s x 30
Farmer’s Carry-85s (90sec. sucked)
Hanging Pull Up-21