
5 miles and just under 1500' of gain for Tiny Elvis and I. We took a finger ridge off trail on the way out with lots of elk sign, was hoping to get lucky and find a shed- not today

Warm up 2x30 rev front pull downs

4x15 hypertrophy
Seated cable rows 150-200#
Incline bench db low rows to high rows #35 ( compound set)
Standing bent over db rows 4x25 (3 sec concentric pause)

4x30 to failure
Incline hanging preacher bar curls (15-20) to incline drag curls (10-15)

4x20 compound set
Preacher bench single arm cable curls
db hammer curls #25
Leg day today:
4 warm up sets Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos

2 sets plyos, 5ea
36in box jump
45lbs scissor lunges
35lbs front jump squats

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 395

Squats- 315 x 21/15/9. 1min rest

3 sets
Hack Squat-185/205/225 x 12/10/8
Good Morning-95 x 8
DB calf raise-25x6

DB Lunges- 40s x 15
DB Step Up-40s, 15ea side
Farmer’s Carry-85s

Proud dad today. My tall, lanky teenage son did 185 for 20 on good parallel squats. It was a good morning
Dear lord: InkedElkSlayer I'm never posting my squat weights/reps again!

I'll stand off to the side and dream about being manly.🙏
Made me chuckle. Yeah man, a few things…
I have NEVER done any Social Media, I literally got my first personal email address last summer and I never shared any PT stuff outside my little circle. First thread I started following when I decided to join Rockslide this winter was WOD. These guys do good, solid, diverse PT. I like checking everybody’s programs. So keep posting your weight/rep/rest scheme.
I have been training seriously since I was 17 and have been lucky to work, and workout, with some serious guys.
As far as squats. Google some of the old school interviews with Arnold. Priceless. He was asked what school of thought he believed in for legs. Low weight/high rep or heavy weight/low rep. His answer was heavy weight/high rep! He said squatting uses the largest muscles in your body and your brain tells you to rack the weight after 10 or 12. Make your body tell your brain to stop being a pussy and do 20! Love it. Course he was roided out beyond believe, but regardless, he would push himself to work until he puked.
Long winded response, but it’s cool to see correspondence from all you guys that are pushing it during PT.