
10x 60%
10x 65%
8x 70%
8x 75%
4 min rest between each set.

5 rounds:
5 Clean 185/135
10 Handstand Pushups
15 Pullups
20 Wallballs
rest 3 min

That was TERRIBLE. We're under a heatwave and, believe or not, a weather pattern has blown in dust and sand from the Sahara desert of all places, making for a heavy haze. The heat index was 108 degree today and the gym has no AC. With a 30 minute time cap on the WOD, only 1 person at my gym managed to finish it in under 30 minutes. Everyone else failed to complete it, including me.
Wendler Week 3 bench press

1000m Row then

3 rounds
15 push press 155#
15 pull ups
15 hands release push ups

10 calories on Schwinn Airdyne
Skill: pick any exercise and work on form for 12 minutes

Run 1 mile for time

Rest, you decide how long

Run 1 mile for time
Good explosive power and power endurance wod

Bench press

4 rounds
4 front squat @ 60%
Rest 10 sec
3 box jumps (max height)
Rest 10 sec

Rest 3 min

800m row
4 rounds for time
15 thrusters 95\65
30 double unders
Wendler week 3 deadlift

Annie on the Go
Double unders
Sit ups

after each round run 200m

after each run: 5 burpees, then 4 then 3 then 2 then 1
Good one -grueling squat workout if your percentages are accurate.

Back squat/ 4 min rest between

Every min for 5 min:
Front squat 5x1: 65%, 75%, 80%,85%,90%+

10 min AMRAP
20 KB swings 24kg
20 KB snatches 24kg
20 shoulder touches
20 KB goblet box step ups at 20 inches
Every 2 min for 16 min
3 position clean
(High hang, mid thigh, floor)
Build weight each set

Every minute on the minute
1x 40% 1 rep max

Every 2 min

4 rounds for time
100 Double unders
10 front squat 205/145
20 chest to bar pull-ups
Rest 4 min between each round

3 sets of
2 minutes banded March
Rack pulls x12 @50% deadlift 1 rep max
Wendler week 1 squats

3 rounds for time
12 power clean 115#
6 over head bar lunge 115#
12 toes 2 bar
6 front squat 115#
Backsquat: add 5-10+ lbs to the bar from last week's #s

4 min rest between sets

EMOM for 5 min
Front squat:
2@ 65%

For time:
15 Deadlifts 75-80% of 1 RM
30 Hand Release Pushups
800m Row
10 Deadlifts
20 HR Pushups
400m row
5 Deadlifts
10 HR Pushups
200m Row
10m EMOM
Turkish get up each side, 53#

Partner Wod

Buy in 4 sled pulls 95#

2 rounds
30 cal row
Bear Crawl 120ft
30 Goblet squats

Cash out
2 sled pulls 95#
Wendler week 2 squat

5 rounds for time

Snatch 155# x 3
200m run
2 rounds of Cindy ( 5 pull ups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats)
1 rope climb.

That was a bitch
5x2 3 Position Clean
5x3 Hang Clean at 80% 3 rep max

5 rounds (not for time)
5x Deadlift at 80%
30 sec rest
10 Tall box jumps (managed to split my shin wide open.... again....)
30 sec rest

3 min rest

5 Rounds for time
5 Hang Clean 155#
100m sprint
Wendler week 2 bench press

3min AMRAP
10 wall ball 20#
5 cal row
rest 90s

3min AMRAP
10 burpees
5 hang clean 135#
rest 90s

3min AMRAP
20 Double unders
10 abmat situps
"The Seven"

7 rounds for time

7 hand stand push ups
7 thrusters 135#
7 knees 2 elbow
7 deadlift 245#
7 burpees
7 KBS 70#
7 pull ups
"The Seven"

7 rounds for time

7 hand stand push ups
7 thrusters 135#
7 knees 2 elbow
7 deadlift 245#
7 burpees
7 KBS 70#
7 pull ups

Done that one twice before. The first time, it was over 100 degrees and just absurdly difficult. Did again under more reasonable conditions back in May. The Thrusters and the burpees prevent you from settling into a rhythm.