

Run 1 mile
Row 2k
Run 1 mile

Pacing wise, that's a challenging workout. Blow out of the gate and you'll screw yourself for the whole workout. Blow it out too much on the row and you'll be hating life on the 2nd run.

What was your approach? Start out very conservative and gradually increase intensity?
I don't need to pace myself running. I'm not good at it, I hate it and my times are never good. With the running I just try to get through it.

I like to row and hammered that out pretty quick. My splits would have been, 8:24-7:28-9:30

On any of the longer workouts I try to pace myself steady through the entire thing. I like all my rounds to be pretty close.
I can outrun you but no way can I hold a 1:52/500 pace for 2K. I can do it for 500m no problem, but not 2K.
Sunday beatdown:

5x2 Front Squat 70, 75, 80, 85, 90%

Every 2 min for 20 min
Hang snatch + snatch
65, 70, 75, 80, 80, 85, 85, 90, 90, 95%

5 rounds
500m row
7 Muscle Ups
7 Overhead squat 185/135

Rest 3 min

3 rounds
8 single arm DB row (x2)
6 back ext.
15 GHD sit-ups
Saturday - 7mi run with dogs @ ~8 min pace & Core

Sunday Circuit - 2x 15 reps: wide grip pull ups; step ups + 70lbs; dips + 25lbs; reverse lunges w/ 30lb dbs; seated row w/ 65lbs per arm; calf extensions (20 reps per set); reverse fly 100lbs; back extensions; core
Wendler week 1 squat

3 rounds 1 min each exercise, 1 minute rest between rounds

Snatch 75#
Box Jump
Thrusters 75#
Chest 2 bar pull ups
Clean & Jerk: 15 min to work up to heavy single

5 rounds:
20 Alt. Pistols
10 Power Snatches 115/75
5 burpee box jumps 32/24

After doing 100 pistols, the bike ride home was particulalry interesting.
Establish 3 Rep max Clean & Jerk
then: 3x1 90% 3RM, 3x1 95% 3RM

3 min AMRAP
6 over the bar burpees
9 Deadlift 185/135
12 Pushups

rest 4 min

6 min AMRAP
6 over the bar burpees
9 Deadlift 185/135
12 Pushups
Bench press

5 rounds
40 sec Max effort burpees
20 sec rest
40 sec Double Unders
20 sec rest
40 sec KB swings
20 sec rest

Lung burner for sure -still not acclimated to the summer heat (no a/c at my gym), so temperature has been kicking my ass.
Wendler week 1 deadlift

Patner WOD, both can work at the same time except row, complete all reps prior to staring next exercise. Only row once as a buy in

18 min AMRAP
1500m row

30 Wallball 20#
30 box jumps
30 KBS 70#
30 Abmat situps
30 lunges with 20# ball (both legs count 1 rep)

4 rounds:
4-7 Strict HSPU
30-45 sec "L" deadhang
30 double unders

Split Jerk
2 reps every 90 seconds:
50%,55%,60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85, 85, 90%

Strict Press

Every 6 minutes for 24 minutes:
400m run
10 alt. KB snatches
15 Ring Dips
400m Run
Wendler week 2 deadlift

Buy in 30 calories on Schwinn Airdyne

Thrusters 115#
Hands up push ups

Cash outs 10 tire jumps (jump in and out of tires we flip)
Wendler week 2 Shoulder Press

1 mile run
15 snatch 95#
10 Wide grip shoulder press 95#
5 Burpees
800m run
15 snatch
5 Burpees
400m run
15 snatch
5 Burpees
200m run
15 snatch
5 Burpees
100m run

Likely the worst WOD I have ever done. I didn't do the skill/strength. Heavy thrusters yesterday and all this overhead today I saw no need for that.