
"Filthy Fifty"
50 box jumps
50 jumping pull ups
50 KBS 35#
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press
50 back hyperextentions
50 wall ball 20#
50 burpees
50 double unders
Do you actually do a 1 rep max on the lifts?

I don't do them. I'll work up until I get a heavy set that feels good. Then base my workouts off of how that felt. If they are too easy I just adjust up. One of the beefs I have with Crossfit is the whole 1 rep max thing. IMO there is no reason for that unless you are in a powerlifting competition.
This might not be the right place to ask but. Is everyone doing just crossfit or are you running or hiking also? My schedule is crossfit in the morning and hiking sandy flatland 2 to 3 times a week in evenings.
Do you actually do a 1 rep max on the lifts?

I don't do them. I'll work up until I get a heavy set that feels good. Then base my workouts off of how that felt. If they are too easy I just adjust up. One of the beefs I have with Crossfit is the whole 1 rep max thing. IMO there is no reason for that unless you are in a powerlifting competition.

Yeah, we officially do them about once a year. Typically, our "training maxes" operate off 90% of your most accurate 1 RM. Almost all of our strength programming is % based so the coaches want us to have a recent frame of reference. I don't really have a strong opinion on it one way or the other, but 3 rep maxes are likely the most reliable in terms of real data.

Its is an interesting head game working up to a 1RM. I attempted a DL this week and couldn't even get the bar off the floor. I dropped 15 pounds and worked my way back up to the same weight 5 pounds at a time with 6 minutes rest between each rep, then I pulled the weight I couldn't get budge earlier and even went past it on the next effort.
If anybody is looking for a leg killer this is one for you
Load a barbell with 135# and set a clock for 20 minutes no do as many lunges as you can in those 20 minutes.
I got 145 yesterday and can almost walk today :)
Right now I'm only doing Crossfit. Prior years I did a lot of hiking with a pack an biking along with lifting.

I wanted to see what kind of condition I was in with only the Crossfit compared to previous years so that's what I did last year. Worked out fine for me. I didn't feel unprepared for my hunt or have any conditioning issues.
We're planning on doing The Murph on Monday. Never done it before and first glance is kind of intimidating. Just another mental challenge at this point. Small sacrifice to honor those who gave much more.
Right now I'm only doing Crossfit. Prior years I did a lot of hiking with a pack an biking along with lifting.

I wanted to see what kind of condition I was in with only the Crossfit compared to previous years so that's what I did last year. Worked out fine for me. I didn't feel unprepared for my hunt or have any conditioning issues.

Intentionally running that experiment on myself this year.
Did this one today. Excellent power endurance/ sustained work capacity workout.

2x5 wall squat
2x10 Backsquat
2x5 goblet squat
2x20m lunge
2x20m Overhead lunge

"Manmaker" ladder
10 reps @ 2x20# Dumbbells
8@ 25#

5 sets @ 75-95#
10x Hi row
10x curl
10x push press

15x (30 min)
30 sec row > 150m split
90 sec "rest" in which 20 push-ups or 20x lunges must be performed
We did "The Seven" for our hero wod.

Seven rounds for time of:
7 Handstand push-ups
135 pound Thruster, 7 reps
7 Knees to elbows
245 pound Deadlift, 7 reps
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
7 Pull-ups

That's the 2nd time I've done that one and it is a true meat grinder.
Good one yesterday

Skill/strength every 2min for 14 min

1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 push jerk
1 split jerk
Don't set bar down until you've completed all four

4 rounds for time:
400m Run
15kbs 80#
10 box jumps
5 KB clean squat thrusters 80#
This was kind of a different one. Much lower intensity than usual, but seemed productive. Legs are sore, for sure.

Backsquat. Rest 4 min between sets.
8 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
4 @ 80%

5 rounds:
1 Muscle Snatch
Rest 30 sec
3 Box Jumps (high as possible, can add height)
Rest 30 sec

12 Front Squat @ 60-65%
rest 60 sec
9 Front Squat
rest 60 sec
6 Front Squat
Hang Snatch 3 sets 3
Snatch 3 sets 3
Hang clean 3 sets
Clean and Jerk 3 sets 2

4 rounds 4 minutes each
200m run
6 snatch @135#
round 1 and 3 max effort wall ball 20#
round 2 and 4 max effort burpees

2 minute rest between each round
5x5 bench press @70-75%
10x5 strict pull-ups

5 rounds for reps:
1 min max effort wall balls
1 min max effort burpees
Rest 1 minute

That sucked.